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The bar remained closed for another day...but Byleth wouldn't allow that any longer.

On the third day since Byleth had found out about her inevitable demise, both Jeralt and her sat at the table silently. When Jeralt tried to announce that they weren't going in for work once more, Byleth stopped him with a small shake of her head.

"We can't delay the reality of life forever," Byleth said softly, reaching out to take his hand. He looked at her sadly before chugging his bottle of beer. Ever since the news had come, Jeralt hadn't stopped drowning himself in alcohol. "...Let's open the bar. It will at least give me something else to think about."

"You'reeee dyin', kid," Jeralt's voice was slurred, and Byleth wasn't sure he could handle much more drinking. "Surely ya've got betterrr...things to do."

"No, actually...I just need to do something rather than sit around here," Byleth frowned. Her father was in no shape to go bartend... "...You're not sober right now...I'll go."

"Whaaaat? No-"

"Just stay here, alright?" Byleth said before grabbing her keys. In truth, she needed to be separated from his sorrowful eyes and the depression the two shared. "I just...need something to do."

Byleth didn't give him a chance to answer, quickly shutting the door and hurrying into her black car. She started the engine, buckling her seatbelt before the radio turned on. Byleth frowned, turning  it off. Music didn't seem appropriate for the solemness of the day.

Byleth turned on her phone, scrolling through her contacts before finally finding him. Von Riegan. Byleth began to compose of a simple text message explaining how the two would be holding up the bar together before putting her phone face down and leaving the driveway.

The drive was swift and easy. Byleth hadn't bothered to check her phone to see if Claude had responded. In truth, she didn't care if she had to run the bar alone...she would. If it was a distraction, she'd do it.

Byleth pulled into the parking lot, unbuckling herself before pushing the door open. She grabbed her phone before leaving, locking her car with a click.

"Hey, Teach!" Claude's voice rang out as Byleth opened the door to the Eisner bar, and Byleth turned her head to see him running toward her. Byleth opened the door, presenting a small, weak smile for him.

"Hello, Claude."

"I'm glad that the bar is up and running again...although I don't see Jeralt with you," Claude noted almost immediately as the two walked into the bar. "I was beginning to miss the drunkards at this place."

"Yes, they are lovable indeed," Byleth said, annoyed at how monotone her voice sounded. Then again, monotone was the most positive emotion she'd felt lately, so she supposed she couldn't complain. Byleth began to wipe the counter again absentmindedly, but Claude frowned at her answer before reaching over to grab her hand.

"Teach, are you...Alright?" Claude asked softly, a worried look in his emerald eyes. His hand was warm against Byleth's cold skin, which was supposed to be a comfort...but it just reminded Byleth of how her time was running out against a vibrant, long living person like Claude. Byleth gulped, gently removing his hand from hers.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine."

Byleth knew her answer wasn't very convincing, and Claude shot a suspicious look her way. She fumbled with her words, unsure what to say.

"...It's...Its my mother," Byleth lied, throwing the towel into the wash bin. As much as she liked Claude, she wasn't about to tell him about, well, her incoming death. "She's had some heart issues lately, so we had to take her to the hospital."

"Oh, damn," Claude's emerald eyes widened. "Is she alright?"

"Yes. She's fine."

Claude continued to eye her, but he dropped the subject. He was curious, but he wasn't foolish enough to keep prodding when Byleth clearly didn't want to talk about it. Byleth appreciated that about him. They continued to set up the bar until opening time, and Byleth flipped the sign.

"...Did you go to college?" Claude asked out of the blue as they awaited for customers to arrive. Byleth looked at him, surprised at his question before clearing her throat.

"Yeah. I went to the Officer's Academy," Byleth nodded. "I graduated there three years ago, and went on to inherit the bar."

"Ah, really? That's actually where I came from as well," Claude said, surprised. "I graduated last year. I never saw you around, though."

"I didn't really go out much."

"That would explain a lot. I spent a lot of my time partying," Claude admitted, a sheepish grin on his face. "I was drinking to avoid the thought of leading the company, could you blame me?"

"My dad drinks to avoid negative thoughts, too," Byleth mused under her breath. It was a concept she had trouble understanding. When she drank, she never forgot. "...Sorry."

"It's alright. You just went through a difficult time, I shouldn't be trying to push anything on you-"

"No, I really appreciate it. I'd rather pretend that nothing happened..it would make me feel a lot better," Byleth disagreed, hoping that Claude would manage to distract her. He looked somewhat surprised again, but he nodded.

"Sure. Whatever you need, Teach."

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