Happy Birthday

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Weeks passed of romantic bliss.

Byleth couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, and, in turn, Claude could say the same about her as a girlfriend. She tended not to see her own greatness about that, but after lectures from Claude, she decided she'd just agree with him.

Anyway, about a month had passed. Somehow, it seemed that her hair changing color had actually slowed; it astounded Byleth as to why that happened, but she certainly wasn't complaining.

"Kid, I know you're excited, but don't you think this is a bit much?" Jeralt gestured to the decorations around the venue. They had closed the bar today for a very special occasion...

Claude's birthday!

Okay, maybe it was a bit extra, but Claude hadn't told her about his birthday. In truth, Byleth had had to look it up. It hadn't been very hard, considering he was pretty famous. It was the twenty fourth of the Blue Sea month today; and Byleth had spent the last two weeks preparing for this.

No one was going to interrupt them.

"No," Byleth laughed, smoothing down her golden dress. She'd actually gone out of her way to buy a new dress for herself; one that she knew Claude would like. It was strange; Byleth had never felt pretty before. With Claude heaping compliments onto her, Byleth experiences something new; what it meant to be beautiful.

"Captain Jeralt, loosen up!" Leonie said. "I think Claude will love all of this. Just watch!"

"I don't know if I'd want all of these people for a birthday party," Shamir said, crossing her arms uncomfortably. "But I suppose you know him better than all of us."

"Trust me. He'll love it."

Byleth ran around the venue, making sure everything was perfect. The tables were all anointed with white and golden magnolias, with a little deer figurine right next to the vase. The streamers were all golden, as were the lines of flags hanging across the ceiling. Then, of course, the stage was spotless.

The flag of the Golden Deer hung behind the stage, but other than that, there were no decorations there. That was because the spotlight wasn't supposed to be on the stage itself; it was supposed to be on the performer. A lone microphone stood proudly on the stage, waiting for someone to accompany it.

Byleth smiled. She couldn't wait, either.

"Greetings, Professor-er-Miss Eisner! Nothing to report yet! Do you know when Claude von Riegan will get here!?"

This was the scout that Byleth had come in contact with. The scout insisted on being called "Gatekeeper" as it was his code name or whatever. It was said that was because he was the one who decided who made it into the music industry...but upon looking at him, Byleth initially hadn't been too sure.

Still, his talent was known far and wide, and this was the perfect opportunity for Claude anyway. So, here he was.

"His shift at work was at six. Once he sees the signs, I'm sure he'll come here...so give it about five minutes," Byleth said. "Everyone, just be patient...but get into your spots."

Everyone complied with this order, scrambling into their hiding places. Byleth turned the lights off, keeping her eyes set on the window.

Five minutes passed, and sure enough, Byleth caught a glimpse of Claude crossing the street, his guitar slung across his shoulder as usual. He had a confused look on his face; good. He had no idea what she had planned...Byleth quickly hushed everyone, alerting them of his presence. Everyone went quiet...

As Claude opened the door to the venue, someone flicked the lights back on as everyone jumped up and screamed 'surprise!' at him. The lights flashed on, and confetti flew across the room at him as everyone grinned at Claude. Alois and Catherine just laughed behind Claude, watching the stunned boy.

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