Told You So

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"Teach, when we agreed to bodyguards...I didn't think you meant them!"

Byleth struggled to stop herself from laughing as Claude glanced over his new bodyguards. She just shrugged, an amused smile playing on her lips.

"What are you talking about? I think they're a perfect fit."

Claude just glanced over towards his new guards with a doubtful look on his face. In front of him stood two of the best people for the job; at least, in Byleth's eyes, they were. Claude wasn't too convinced...yet.

"Come on, now!" Alois just snorted loudly, a delighted look on his tan face. There was no one better than him; he was a talented martial artist that was Jeralt's old friend. He ran a hand through his aging brown hair before grinning wider. "We're the best people for it! I think Jeralt was onto something about the ol' place getting...old. Some might say that it was just a...race against time until we grew bored, haha! Get it? Cause it's old?"

"Yeah, I don't think your jokes are giving him any faith in us," The tanned blonde to his right sighed. Her name was Catherine, and just like Alois, she was trained in all sorts of weaponry and fighting tactics. Byleth had poached the two from the training grounds she'd grown up in, and it was honestly one of the best decisions she'd made. She trusted them with their lives.

Claude...would understand that soon enough.

"My jokes are amazing!" Alois said defensively, an offended look on his face. Everyone silently stared at him before Claude changed the subject.

"So, you two would both be willing to come whenever we need you?" Claude clarified, making sure the terms were absolutely clear. They nodded.

"Pretty much. I'm free whenever," Catherine said. "He might be a little more restricted, considering he still has to take care of the grounds, but...if you really need us, we'll be there."

"You know it!"

"Alright. If Teach here trusts you, then so do I," Claude nodded, and Byleth flashed him a thumbs up. Claude sighed. "I hope you two won't actually need to protect us, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Teach almost got hurt."

"Well, if we do run into trouble, I'll take 'em down!" Catherine cracked her knuckles together with a wide smile on her face. "...Trust me, they'll wish they never came at me."

"They don't call you Thunderstrike Catherine for nothing!"

"Alright, well, we're actually headed to the bar right now," Claude said. "How do you feel about starting your job right here and now?"

Both Alois and Catherine just smiled and placed their fists into the air excitedly as an answer. Claude just nodded and took Byleth's hand in his. Byleth smiled, glad to have some sort of security in her life, even if they weren't quite conventional. Who said they needed to be normal, anyway? All Byleth knew was that no one would mess with them now. Alois was a nice enough guy, but he could throw hands on par with Jeralt. Of course, no amount of guns could stop the legendary Thunder Catherine.

It was funny, now Byleth was going to hear both Claude's and Catherine's names uttered as they walked down the streets...

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Kid!"

Uh...Uh oh.

There was one thing her bodyguards couldn't save Byleth from...and it was from her father.

"Where were you last night? I was so worried, and then-are you two together!? Byleth Eisner!!"

Jeralt was standing in the doorway of the Eisner bar with his hands on his hips and a disgruntled look on his face. Alois and Catherine just stood there, dumbfounded. The smile dropped off of Claude's face as he nervously glanced at Byleth.

Byleth just looked at their intertwined hands before sheepishly smiling.

"Um...Don't be mad...but we got ambushed last night, and so I stayed over at Claude's," Byleth said quickly. Before Jeralt could even begin to process what she had just said, she hurried over the part that she knew would get him riled up. Hopefully, he'd miss what she was saying.... "And Claude and I got together."

Jeralt's eyes bulged, and Byleth knew her strategy hadn't worked. They all prepared for an earful from the papa wolf himself...

When Jeralt laughed.

"I called it. I knew you'd both see the truth eventually!" Jeralt celebrated, and Byleth just smacked her forehead. She honestly should've expected this...


"You better not hurt my daughter," Jeralt said with a threatening expression on his face. Claude just nodded, and Jeralt's face brightened. "I know you won't. But if you ever do...No one will save you then. Your death will be painful, harsh, and-"

"Dad, please stop."

"Alright, fine. But can someone explain to me why Alois and Catherine are here...and hold up a second, did you both say you got ambushed?"

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