Our Strength

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"Claude...What are you going to do?"

"...I don't know."

The two sat outside of the hospital on the grass in solemn silence. They had been kicked out since it was out of visiting hours, but it was clear Claude didn't want to wave. Claude's father had given them a reassuring smile, but Claude didn't seem too sure. He sat there with his hand in his hands, a lost look in his emerald eyes.

"...How could I have ever known that's how he felt? If he just told me...then...then maybe I wouldn't have..."

Maybe I wouldn't have left the company, He wanted to say, Byleth knew, but he just ended his sentence there. She knew it was for her own sake, but...this wasn't about her. This wasn't her or her desire to hear his music. It wasn't about her, she couldn't influence him anymore. Now, it truly was his choice...his long hidden passion as a rising musician or his destiny as the leader of the Leicester Alliance. What would he choose..?

"It's just...It's just..." He struggled to find words as he stared down at the ground. "All this time, I've been angry with him..and...and I didn't even know how he felt. It doesn't excuse how he treated me, but if I'd known, then I could have tried harder..."

"It's not your fault."

"I know, but I wish he had told me! Now he's dying, and...and there's nothing I can do about it."

He lifted his head to stare despondently at Byleth. They both knew that statement didn't apply to just his father...Byleth knew he felt useless when it came to her own situation, to have his father added to this problem only necessitated his feelings of despair...She lifted her hand to his.

"I know. But...I think he was just happy to see that you came at all," Byleth tried to reassure him. "He was happy to see you doing so well. I think that's the best thing you could ever do for him. After all, he said he worked so hard to get somewhere..."

"Maybe..." He paused. "Teach, what am I supposed to do...?"

"...I don't know. But like your father said...whatever you do choose, I'll follow you."

"But what am I supposed to do..? I can't give up one or the other. I love singing, you love hearing my singing, but I should go back to the company for the world's and my father's sake..."

He can't give up on one or the other...Wait..

What if...? What if he doesn't have to?

"...Maybe you don't have to give either of them up," Byleth said. He looked at her quizzically, a forlorn expression on his face.

"That's impossible, Teach. The label will require all of my time. it already does. Running a company doesn't come easy, either. I can't just simply do both!"

"But...But what if we could make it work?" Byleth asked, a serious look on her face. Why had this never occurred to her? It seemed impossible, just as Claude said, neither job came easy, but maybe...maybe with people's help, it could be done. "Who says...Who says you have to do it alone?"


"Who says you have to do it alone?" Byleth repeated. She began to think of the many people around them... "I'm sure Gatekeeper would be accommodating of your schedule, you're a rising star!"

"...I'm replaceable. Many other people can sing."

"But no one is as good as you are. Gatekeeper can't just let you go, that's a huge loss for him, too! Everyone will turn to him, and his reputation will be tarnished for not taking you in!"

"That's a weak point. And even if that did work, Gatekeeper would be waiting for forever. I'll never get the time of day to step out if I join the company."

Byleth pondered this for a moment. What...What was a solution to this? There had to be one, but...but what? The stars in the night sky twinkled, and for a moment, Byleth swore she saw three stars flicker different colors; gold, red, and blue. Gold, red, blue...

Claude, Edelgard, Dimitri?

"Edelgard and Dimitri," Byleth said. "They can help you."

"They're not a part of Leicester..."

"No, but if you come back, you can fix all of the collective problems in Adrestia or Faerghus. What if...What if the three of you just worked together? Unify the companies not under one ruler, but three. All of you are competent enough for it. The power and problems would be split three way, and this way, any other people wouldn't be able to weave their way in!"

"Unify...? Edelgard and Dimitri will never agree," Claude couldn't help but scoff. "They both cherish their companies. They'd never agree to split the power three way."

"You can't just assume for them. They're your childhood friends! Besides, they need your assistance to save themselves, I don't think they're in a position to negotiate."

"And how would singing work? Who would help manage my tours and booking? I won't have time to step away from the company, even with Edelgard and Dimitri. I can't-"

"Maybe. But what if I helped too?"


"... Each of us are weak on our own. Our strength comes from reaching out and opening our hearts to each other," Byleth said on instinct. She wasn't sure why she said it, but it felt...right. "...You don't have to do this alone. We always thought it was impossible for you to split because we were thinking you had to do the work all alone. You...don't. We're here for you. Edelgard, Dimitri, my father..."


"I bet even the dude with the bad haircut would help!" Byleth blurted out. She couldn't remember his name, but she knew he was part of the company. "You said he had good intentions, with your guidance he could help! I'm sure Hilda wouldn't mind helping me get your label set up!"

"What about concerts? When will I have time for those...?"

"...I don't know. But we'll figure it out together," Byleth squeezed his hand in hers. "So? What do you say?"

He looked...lost. Confused. Unsure. Byleth suddenly began to realize just how asinine her solution had sounded when he finally nodded.

"...Okay. It's worth a try, Teach," Claude agreed. "I...I don't know if this will work."

"Me neither...but I think with everyone's help, we can pull it off."

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