Follow Your Heart

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"...I have to go."

"What?" Byleth felt the air drawn out of her chest as Claude abruptly sat up. He had a frantic look in his emerald eyes as he got up.

"If he's really dying, then...then I need to go see him," Claude said, brushing the grass off of himself. Byleth bit her lip. Go..Go see his father? The man that Byleth has heard such terror about? Why would Claude want to do that?

"Claude-I don't one is telling you you to need to go see him."

"No matter how much of a terrible person he is..." Claude shut his eyes. "He's...still my father. He might be a pathetic excuse who is only trying to keep the company, but...I know he cares about me. And I...I..."

"But...but what if..." He makes you come back? Byleth wanted to ask, but she was too afraid. Her deepest fear were coming to life; her having to live a life without him. "Claude..."

"I have to go."

He began to walk, and Byleth swallowed the lump in her throat before following. As he glanced at her, a look of fear struck him.

"Teach, you can't come with," Claude said. "You...You don't need to see him. He's...brutal."

"I don't care...I want to be there for you."

"I can't let you get hurt by him."

"I won't. I don't have emotions from anyone else...he actually can't hurt my feelings."

He pondered this for a moment before nodding.

"Alright, fine. Let's go."

The two walked back to the city, and Claude signaled for a taxi to take them to the hospital. The car ride was silent and tense, with Claude sitting up front and Byleth, Alois, and Catherine crammed into the back. Even though they were uncomfortable, the two bodyguards knew better than to complain right now. This wasn't the time.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, Claude rushed out. As they made their way to the front desk, the pink haired lady at the front desk stared at her computer, bored.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for my father," Claude sighed. "...von Riegan. My name is Claude von Riegan. I'm looking for Hassan."

"Wha-?" The darker skinned girl finally glanced over at them before realizing who she was talking
to. "Ah. He's been expecting know, everyone makes a fuss over how beautiful your girlfriend was. I can see that the rumors were an exaggeration."

"Don't insult Teach-! I-Wait. This isn't the time for games," Claude caught himself from getting distracted, but his fists were clenched tightly. "Where's my father?"

"Third floor. Room 317. Good luck."

The two hurried up to the third floor, where another receptionist awaited them. This receptionist was an old man with a kind smile.

"You...Must be Claude von Riegan, and Byleth Eisner," The receptionist said. His name tag read 'Tomas'. "Mr. von Riegan has requested to see you, Claude. I'm sure you're aware."

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