The Cure

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Byleth awoke one day feeling better than ever.

It was strange not to have an intense ache in her chest, feel weak, or anything of the sort. In fact, Byleth felt great! She picked up her hand, staring at it in wonder. What had happened to her? She hadn't done anything special or whatever. All she had done was go to sleep, just like usual. Yet...

Well, was she...cured? Or was this just one lucky day? One lucky day that Byleth wasn't feeling awful? Would she go back to feeling terrible tomorrow? Perhaps this was part of her illness? No one knew for sure, since Byleth's illness was the first of it's kind. She didn't want to get her hopes up...but she hadn't felt this good in ages! In fact, nothing hurt.

But...she hadn't done anything differently. What had she done that was worth her illness going away? Maybe she had changed her diet and hadn't been paying attention? Or was this simply just a miracle? Either way, Byleth knew she had to tell Claude. She quickly dialed on her phone, feeling a spark of joy rush through her when she was greeted with his suave voice.

"Hey, Teach. Everything okay?"

"Better than okay," Byleth breathed sharply before she began to laugh. She wasn't quite sure how to handle this situation; she didn't think she would just wake up and be cured! Maybe she was wrong? Maybe these were just side effects before she died? A little relieve from the pain? "Claude, woke up today."

"Well, that's good," Claude commented, making Byleth laugh once more. A little bit of dark humor didn't seem so bad now that she was feeling better. She knew she might be jumping to conclusions, but she honestly just felt...healthy.

"Well, yes. But I mean I woke up today...and guess what? I didn't...have any pain. Nowhere. Nothing."

Silence. Byleth could picture his emerald eyes widened with shock, the right corner of his lip beginning to curl upwards at the relieving news. It was exactly what they all wanted to hear; that she had been saved, and that her life was would finally last! This was a miracle, simply put. There was no other way to describe it.

"That-that's great, Teach!" She could hear the smile in his voice, not that it was very difficult to do. His tone was laced with elation and excitement, and who could blame him? Honestly, Byleth was just as giddy; this was the best thing she could ever ask for! "For real? You're cured?"

"I am," Byleth replied proudly, the smile on her face mirroring his. She wished she could see him physically; they had only been apart for two weeks, and she missed him too much to bear. Byleth's smile suddenly began to fade. She was thinking so optimistically before, but what if Claude came back and her symptoms worsened? What if this was just a one day cure? "I mean, I think. It could just be a fluke..."

"...We don't know. It could be," Claude said, his tone still much more optimistic than hers. "I don't wanna get our hopes up, but if you're feeling better...That's all I could ever ask for, Teach. Even if it's just for one day."

"Yeah, but...I don't want it to be for just one day. I want this forever. I don't...I don't wanna die..."

"Teach, Teach, calm down! This is a happy occasion...Calm down. We have to stay optimistic, or we lose before we even start. For now, just enjoy it and keep me updated."

"...Okay. I'll try," Byleth paused before sinking back into the soft covers of her own bed. "...I miss you, Claude."

"I miss you too, Teach. I'll be back soon. I've got a lead from a merchant here," Claude informed her, his tone growing excited once more. "It's a delicate Almyran speciality. I just hope it's not another myth..."

"Me too. I was beginning to think there just was no cure, but obviously something has changed. I'm going to do everything the same way I had done it previously and see if that's what caused the change."

"Good idea, Teach. Listen, I have to go, but take care...and please don't stress. Enjoy your day," Claude encouraged. "I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

"See ya."

They hung up, and Byleth eventually got up from her bed to get ready for the day. After all, she had a full day of freedom to enjoy! She quickly texted Sothis to ask if they wanted to hang out. When Sothis agreed, saying they should go roller skating, Byleth couldn't help but smile. Just like before...

Of course she'd go. She couldn't wait.

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