A Little Bit Funny

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"Oh, I don't know about this, Teach. Maybe it was a bad idea.."

Claude and Byleth stood in the Eisner bar as patrons surrounded them. They were all just having a good time, with Byleth and Leonie on duty tonight.

Claude had a very special role, one that Byleth herself had come up with.

"Come on, Claude! You don't have stage fright at the other venue," Byleth coaxed. "Whats so different here?"

"Well, this...this is my home base. It's a little more personal, I can really see everyone's faces while I sing.." Claude gulped as he rapped his fingers against his guitar nervously. "Plus...You're going to be here."

"Wha-? What's that supposed to mean!?" Byleth placed her hands on her hips, slightly offended by his statement. "I'm your biggest supporter!"

"Exactly," Claude agreed, a forlorn look in his sparkling emerald eyes. "And this is your bar," He pointed out. "I can't afford to mess it up for you."

"Claude..." Byleth shook her head. "You're amazing. Have a little more faith in yourself, okay? You're going to do great. I promise. And if you do mess up..." Byleth just smiled, grabbing his hand and squeezing it lightly. "I don't care. I'll just be happy that you played in my bar in the first place. Okay? I promise," Byleth shoved him toward the music stand. "Now get out there. I can't wait!"

"...Okay, Teach. I'm going."

He walked over to the corner where everyone performed. He cleared his throat as Byleth situated herself in her seat, excited.

Then, his clear voice rang out...

"It's a little bit funny...this feeling inside..."

Byleth smiled as he began to strum his guitar, making the bar actually go silent aside from a couple of glasses clinking. It is a bit funny, isn't it...? Jeralt grinned from where he stood, and Byleth watched him in anticipation. He sang clearly, his voice beautiful and symphonic...

"And you can tell everybody...that this is your song," Byleth could almost swear she saw his eyes flicker to her, but they just as quickly focused away that Byleth doubted herself. "It may be quite simple but...now that it's done..."

His next words sent pleasant goosebumps down her arms, and she couldn't help smiling. This time, his eyes did meet hers, and his eyes twinkled in the light.

His first song finished, and everyone clapped. Normally people held applause or just didn't notice, considering most people came to the bar to drink, not to listen to someone. Claude, though...he just had the ability to sing and grab you, his voice captivating you to listen.

The rest of the hour was spent in quiet bliss. Leonie handled the drinks so Byleth could enjoy Claude singing with all of his heart. Jeralt placed a hand on Byleth's shoulder comfortingly.

"Kid...This was a good idea," Jeralt commended with an approving look. "He looks happy."

"I'm glad," Byleth said quietly, trying to focus on Claude's singing. Luckily, Jeralt stayed quiet, although Byleth knew he wanted to say something else. Byleth appreciated that.

The hour ended, and Claude began to pack up his stuff. People were clapping, posting his videos on Snapchat or just generally standing there starstruck. Claude retreated to the back room, and after a nudging from Jeralt, Byleth followed him.

"Claude, that was amazing!" Byleth clapped her hands together as he finished putting his guitar away. He turned to face her, a smile on his face.

"It really was," Claude grinned. Byleth loved seeing him like this; so excited and high from the praise he got. The praise he deserved. "It was a really great idea."

"I'm just glad it worked out," Byleth nodded. He opened his mouth to speak, before hesitating. He took a moment to continue before actually talking. Was everything okay?

"Teach...I...Um..." Claude's cheeks were starting to turn slightly pink. Byleth waited patiently for him to continue talking. "The first song I sang...It was..."

He paused. Then he smiled.

"Never mind, alright?" Claude just chuckled. "Thanks for coming up with the idea."

"Oh, you're really not going to tell me?" Byleth pouted, and he laughed once more.

"No, it's not the right time," Claude smiled, slinging his guitar case over his shoulder. He was done for the night, but Byleth still had to work. "Besides, I like this little secret."

"I'm going to find out," Byleth told him. Claude just shrugged and laughed.

"I look forward to it."

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