Rational Fear

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As Byleth nervously exclaimed that statement, she watched as Claude's emerald eyes widened in complete shock. Byleth fidgeted back and forth, uncomfortable. Finally, he spoke.

"You're sick?" He whispered, and Byleth nodded. He reached forward to take her hand in his, and Byleth felt her heart race faster.

"I might not make it..."

As Byleth repeated this fact, Claude frowned. He squeezed her hand before letting her go, a resigned look on his face. Byleth's chest felt tight as he began to walk away. Before he did, though, he turned toward her, a regretful expression in his dull eyes.

"I'm sorry, Teach...But I can't deal with someone who might not even make it in the long run."

He walked out of the bar, and Byleth just slowly felt herself tear up. She fell backwards, her hands covering her tear stained face as she tripped on Sothis's long green hair. Sothis cried out in irritation.

"Oh, for crying out loud...get up! This is no time for repose!"


Byleth jolted awake, sitting up straight in her bed as she ran a hand through her hair. She was in a cold sweat from her dream, and she wiped her forehead with her hand.

Phew. Not real...

Still, Byleth felt her anxiety skyrocket. Her heart was surprisingly still in her chest, but that didn't change the fact that her mind was screaming.

That dream just further solidified Byleth's fear. She just couldn't tell Claude about her condition! No matter how much she liked him, she couldn't risk it. It was a stupid, selfish thought...Byleth hated herself for not wanting to tell him the truth, but...something had to be done.

Still, a little voice began to whisper in her head. What if Dad was right about Claude? He had said that the way Claude looked at her had been the same as Jeralt's gaze toward her mother...No. That was just Byleth being hopeful. Still, it had been Jeralt who pointed that out, not her. Maybe...maybe her dad was right..?

That was ridiculous. What in the world would Claude see in her? She wasn't fun, she wasn't cool...she was in fact, a total buzzkill.

That's not true, Teach. I have so much fun with you! Byleth could just picture his protest in her mind, and she shook her head in slight disbelief. No, Claude didn't need another reason to stay away from her. Byleth was lucky enough to have him come around, she couldn't risk him leaving. She just couldn't lose what little happiness she had in her life...

Her phone beeped. She was awake, but still tired. She thought about going back to sleep, but now her curiosity was piqued. Byleth fumbled for her phone; it was morning, but it was still early. It was Claude, much to Byleth's dread. Normally she looked forward to his texts, but...

hey teach how are u feeling

Oh. It was a simple, innocent text. Byleth was glad it wasn't anything deep or prodding; she frankly wasn't awake for that yet. She was surprised he wasn't sleeping at this time...she must have really worried him.

I'm okay. I was just feeling overwhelmed, I guess. Edelgard coming really threw me off my game.

Well, that wasn't a lie. It really was the truth. That white haired girl...Byleth had kinda forgotten about the craziness of last night since all she'd been focused on was her issues.

yea unfortunately she's good at that ... i'm glad ur okay. i couldnt sleep i was so worried

Aw, so sweet of him. Byleth silently cursed herself inside of her head...but now she really was curious. Was that just Claude being a good friend...or something more?

Sorry I bothered you about that...

Byleth pursed her lips. Was Jeralt really right? Even if he is right, Claude will leave anyway. It doesn't matter. Byleth just couldn't shake that thought away...

teach ur never a bother.

but ... i wanna see u today . i need to see for my own eyes that ur ok

meet me at gronder ..? or wherever

Byleth hesitated. Gronder Field was normally such a nice place for them to meet...but Byleth really didn't want to go out today. She hesitated...if they met up, would Claude pressure her? He really just seemed as if he wanted to make sure she was okay. That was pretty sweet, to be honest. At least she wouldn't faint on him again, now that Edelgard was nowhere in the picture.

Well, unless the white haired girl managed to show up and ruin their moments again.

Byleth really, really didn't want that to happen. Claude was already suspicious, he'd be even more suspicious if she fainted again. But how could she prevent that...? Byleth hesitated before texting out her response.

Alright...but not Gronder. Meet me at my house.

Here's my address...

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