Hidden Aspirations

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Though the crowd was shouting "encore" and there was endless applause, Byleth could still hear Clauds quiet, panicked utterance of his nickname for her. He looked like a deer in the headlights, stuck in the spotlight as the crowd clearly wanted more, but he had just been caught in one of the most vulnerable states of his life.

Meanwhile, Byleth was just in pure shock. Never would she have ever thought that Claude would be up on that stage as the singer. She didn't even know he had a passion for music! But he had been amazing. Actually amazing. Byleth had never heard anyone else sing so passionately or clearly. His voice was a gift...and Byleth was just now figuring out about it. Why did he feel the need to hide such a wonderful gift from her..?

"U-Um...T-Thank you for listening," Claude stammered, his usually confident demeanor completely littered with stutters and stammers as he stood. "I have to leave-"

"One more! One more!" The crowd was relentless in their demands, eagerly awaiting another song. Claude shook his head from side to side, and a distinctive "awww" was heard throughout the crowd.

"Sorry. I...I just have to head out. Thank you for listening."

Claude dashed off the stage, retreating to the back room. Byleth reached her hand out before realizing it was pointless; he was so far away from her, anyway. Everyone else began to settle down, talking to themselves. Byleth stood, walking over to the door he had retreated through before turning the handle.

it was locked.

Of course. It was a performers only room, after all. Byleth let out a quiet curse.

"Claude...It's me," Byleth said softly, knocking upon the door. She could hear his breath hitch in his throat in a panicked fashion. Byleth pressed her lips together. "...Why are you so worried? It was amazing. You have the best voice I've ever heard before..."

The door swung open, and he grabbed her hand to drag her in. Claude shut the door behind them before he began to ran his hands through his unruly locks again and again.

"You mean it?" He asked nervously, and Byleth nodded. Claude bit his lip. "...Why...Why are you here?" Claude could only question Byleth, the anxious look never leaving his eyes. "I thought I said one-"

"I wanted to see if I could have fun without you. I wanted to know if you were the deciding factor or not," Byleth explained. Well, not that I found out the answer to that question... "I'm glad I came early. Claude, you were amazing! I'm not just saying it. Your singing was so soothing...I loved it."

"You...You did?" Claude was bewildered by her reaction, and he raised his brow in confusion. He staggered backward, leaning against the wall to balance himself. Byleth nodded, and he shook his head. "You're...Youre not joking?"

"Of course I'm not," Byleth replied once more. She walked over, grabbing his hands to stop him from running them through his chocolatey hair. "Claude, I mean it. You were amazing. I'm so glad I got to see you."

"...This is my passion, Teach," Claude said softly. "You already know that I sing, so there's no use hiding it anymore...This is my aspiration. This is why I left the business...I want to be a singer. There. Now you know...now you can leave."

"Claude, why in the world would I leave? You definitely should," Byleth encouraged. "I've never heard anyone better."

"...My father always told me that my singing was a waste of time and energy. That it would always amount to me having nothing. No money, no friends, and no success," Claude shifted his gaze downward, a determined look in his eyes. "I'm going to prove him wrong..." His look grew softer, sadder. "...But he was right about the friends. Those who know...always run."

"...Do you see me running away?" Byleth asked softly, and she reassuringly rubbed her thumb against his palm. "Any real friend would stay. That's why those friends aren't here anymore. At the very least, Claude...I'm here. I ran to you. You were amazing! Your father was wrong...You shouldn't be ashamed of such a gift."

"Thank you, Teach..." His emerald eyes shifted upward to meet hers. Byleth felt her breath hitch in her throat. He looked so vulnerable for once, his eyes unguarded. He had really let his walls down, hadn't he...? "I was...I was worried you'd leave if you knew."

"I'm not ever leaving," Byleth replied softly, and she squeezed his hand tighter. "I promise...But will you do me a favor?"

"Anything," Claude agreed willingly.

"Could you sing me another song?"

He gave her a small smile.

"Sure. Okay, Teach, you ready?" Claude strummed his guitar for a bit before opening his mouth to sing. "Reach for my hand..."

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