Mr. von Riegan

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Ring ring ring.

Claude grinned in irritation. His phone had been buzzing all day, and he knew just who it was. He really, really didn't want to answer at all. He let it run to voicemail once more. Hopefully that would be the end of it.

Ring ring ring.

Why wouldn't he take the hint? Claude couldn't take anymore of this. He stuffed the bread from the bakery into a bag in a huff. Irritated, he grabbed his phone and answered the call.

"What do you want?" Claude demanded. Normally his tone was usually friendly and charming. He had no need for such courtesy around the caller.

"Is that you should speak to your father?" The caller chuckled, and Claude could just picture his smirk from behind the phone.

"As if you deserve my respect."

"I raised you better than this," His tone grew harsher. Frankly, Claude didn't care for how his sperm donor felt.

"You have three seconds before I hang up. What do you want?"

Silence. Claude was about to cut the line when the man spoke.

"How are you doing, Claude?"

"I know you don't care about that," Claude sneered. That wouldn't fool anyone, and it certainly didn't fool Claude. He wasn't an idiot. "What are you really on about?"

"...Claude, the rumors are true," The man paused. "I am dying."

"Cut the bullshit!" Claude wasn't a super big fan of swearing, but all rules went out the window when he was talking with this particular guy. His so-called father didn't deserve any time of respect. "From what? I don't believe you-"

"...I have cancer."

"...No, you don't," Claude responded, not missing a beat. He knew that Mr. von Riegan was just trying to guilt him into returning. "I would have known."

"Well, you didn't," He replied just as quickly. "I was sure to hide it from everyone. I wore wigs. Blamed my weight loss on lack of appetite or stress. But's not getting better. The chemotherapy was supposed to help. I was slated to recover...but I suppose the doctors are wrong. Figures."

"You're lying. You just want me to return."

"No. I'm dead serious. You're right. I didn't return to check up on my son. I should have. I'm sorry. But i didn't," He paused, as if to contemplate his 'mistake'. Claude didn't care how he felt. If he really cared, he would have called Claude. "I want you to return because...the company will be handed over to the Gloucester's when I die. You realize the consequences of that, don't you?"

"I can't go back-"

"You're my son!" His voice grew louder. "You are expected to go back. As the good father I am, I have tolerated your nonsense so far, but it has to stop. You must return to your duty!"

"I won't!" Claude exclaimed. "It's not my duty. It's your duty that you're trying to inflict upon me. You're a terrible father. I'm not returning to a place where I'll be groomed by you. I'm done!"

Claude hung up, an angered look on his face. He had been walking down the street and people were staring, but he didn't really care. He turned his phone off, sulking into an abandoned alley.

Why couldn't that man leave him alone?

Claude was sure that his sad excuse of a father was probably calling again and again, desperately trying to get Claude to pick up. But Claude knew that he was just trying to get the company. That man didn't care about Claude for any other purpose except as an heir.

Why? Why did he have to call?

Claude had just started accepting how he wouldn't be going back, and then that man came with that fake news. Sick, hah! Edelgard had said the same thing. It was all fake. Just some pathetic excuse to try and get him to return. Claude was sure he was fine. Claude would have known.


Claude scowled. Why did that guy have to play these sorts of games? Claude had gotten his ability to lie from somewhere, of course, but this was too far. His sorry excuse of a father relied on lies just to try and persuade Claude back. Well, Claude wouldn't fall for it this time. He had trusted him before, and it had always ended in failure.

Claude wouldn't be so weak this time.

A slight rustle in the alley put Claude on alert. He cautiously went over to investigate the noise. Hopefully nothing would jump out at him...

What he saw made him relax immediately. It was a small husky puppy with it's ears pinned against it's head in fear. It was covered in dirt and grime. The small puppy backed off, whimpering as Claude slowly approached.

"Hey little buddy," Claude felt the anger fading from his system as he looked at the sad and frightened puppy. "I'm not going to hurt you, alright?"

It merely whimpered and hid behind a trash can. Claude knelt down with his arms outstretched.

"It's alright. You're safe," Claude frowned. The poor dog looked so unnaturally thin...He felt around in his bag, breaking off a piece of the bread. He held it out for the dog. "Here, buddy."

Slowly, the dog crept out. It hesitantly came closer, looking at Claude with caution. When Claude nodded, the dog finally took the bread, munching on it happily. Claude smiled, breaking off more bread for the dog.

The husky ate the bread quickly. When it was done, it cautiously stared at Claude. He held his hand out, and the dog slowly nudged his hand with it's snout before jumping into Claude's arms.

Claude nearly fell backwards from the unexpected action, but he managed to stop the two from toppling. The dog began to happily lick his face, and Claude smiled. This poor buddy had been out on it's didn't seem to have a home. Where could it go?

"...Don't worry, buddy. I'll find a place for you."

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