Ordinary Fun

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"Hey, Teach! Come check it out!"

Byleth and Claude were taking another night out at Claude's quaint little venue. This time, Byleth had been a bit more comfortable dancing since the music was softer and slower, although she still relied on Claude to lead her. At the very least, she wasn't tripping on his toes anymore.

But anyway, they had finished dancing earlier this time, deciding to tuck in at two in the morning instead of staying there until three. Claude had gone out first, a smile on his face as he noted the outdoors. Byleth's curiosity was piqued; just what was he excited about? Byleth peeked her head out to see...


That's why he was excited? Rain? What was so special about that? They didn't even have umbrellas! Byleth had one in her car, but that was back by the bar. They'd have to run back there in order to take any shelter from the deluge outside.

"Uh, Claude?" Byleth glanced back at him. He was still smiling, even as they noted their current situation. "We don't have umbrellas. It's pouring out there, we'll get soaked! We could just wait it out, I don't mind staying longer..."

"Oh, come on Teach! Live a little!" Claude extended his hand toward her, his grin growing a little wider. "We don't know if the rain will ever stop, anyway...might as well go now!"

"But..." Byleth hesitated. She had never understood people who went out in the rain instead of remaining perfectly dry. She was content just staying inside, without the problem of having sopping clothes and hair.

But then again...Had Byleth really been content staying and being a dry person, physically and mentally?

"Getting wet isn't always a bad thing, Teach," Claude coaxed, gesturing for her to take his hand. "Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

Oh, to hell with it!

Byleth grabbed his hand, and he pulled her in front of him. Claude flipped his jacket over their heads, holding the golden material over them before opening the door.

The sound of the rain pattering against the ground only heightened the slight fear Byleth felt as they stepped out into the rain. Why would she ever want to be stuck in wet clothes for fun? Still, she wouldn't lie...she also felt a surge of...subdued excitement! Sure, this was totally stupid...they were only covered by Claude's jacket, that was sure to provide little cover, but...they had a place to get before they got entirely soaked! It was like...a little mission of sorts!

"Alright, ready Teach?" Claude asked, and Byleth nodded. "Okay. Three...two...one...let's go!"

The two took off into the rain, running as fast as they could. It poured around them, but neither of them stopped running.

Byleth couldn't help but let out a hysterical laugh at their situation, and she clung onto Claude's hand tighter as they continued to run. He chuckled in amusement at her reaction, and he gripped at his jacket tighter. Byleth's feet were sopping wet as they sprinted through various puddles, and the water splashed up toward their faces. The exhilaration of dodging as much water as possible was...it was...fun.

"Almost there!" Claude shouted as he spotted her car, and they splashed through large puddles on the final stretch of sidewalk. They ran faster than ever, and Byleth fumbled in her black coat to find her car keys. She heard the familiar beep of her car to signal the doors unlocking, and as they made it to her car, she swung the front door open to get in.

Claude held the jacket over her so she could get in, and Byleth shut the door. She rolled her window down, a slight smile on her face.

"Get in!" Byleth yelled, and he hesitated.

"Are you sure? I can run home-"


That was all Byleth needed to shoot him a knowing look. Claude nodded, hurrying to the passenger side before scrambling to get inside. He shut the door, and the two stayed in silence for a moment before he burst into laughter.

Byleth couldn't help but join into his contagious laugh, and soon enough, the two could barely hear the pitter-patter of the rain around them.

"That...Was really something else," Byleth giggled as she ran a hand through her...mostly dry hair? Huh. She thought it would have been just as soaked as the rest of her body! Considering how sopping wet Claude was, Byleth thought she would have matched him in that matter. "I've always viewed rain as an obstacle..."

"Well, fun can be found in anything," Claude grinned, awkwardly holding his arms up to avoid dripping excess water into her car. "It's all about your mindset."

"I guess that's true," Byleth laughed. She eyed his jacket that was dripping water into her car. He grinned sheepishly, but before he could try to apologize, Byleth simply grabbed it and threw it in the backseat.

"Teach! It's soaking wet, you shouldn't-"

"It's fine," Byleth responded before taking her own black coat off and throwing it back. She could sense his eyes on her for some reason, and Byleth raised her brow. "What?"

"N-nothing," Claude stammered, a slight blush on his cheeks. Byleth shrugged.

"Alright. Just tell me where to go."

He directed her as they drove through the rain, and Byleth turned on the heat once she noticed him shivering subtly.

"You don't have an aux cord?" Claude asked in genuine surprise. Byleth shook her head.

"No. I've never really listened to music, remember?"

"Ah, I see...then the radio will just have to do."

As Byleth glanced over at him, she suddenly noticed his good form. Wearing a tank top really highlighted his muscles...focus Byleth, the road! She turned her attention back to driving, letting Claude lead the conversation.

Eventually, they made it to Claude's apartment. Claude grabbed his jacket, holding it above his head.

"Thanks for the ride, Teach," Claude grinned. "I'll text you when I think of something fun for us, alright? I've got a lot of ideas."

"Good. I look forward to it."

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