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Byleth really hadn't been kidding when she'd said how terrible she was at dancing.

She shook with obvious anxiety as Claude led her onto the floor where everyone else was dancing. Most everyone was dancing separately, doing their own movements to the beat, but Byleth...Byleth couldn't do that. She knew they were just doing stupid movements, just having fun, but Byleth had never had that before. She'd never known fun, how was she supposed to do this?

"Don't worry, Teach," Claude reassured her upon seeing her panicked glance around. "I'll guide you. Just listen to the music."

Claude didn't let go of her hand as they began to move around with everyone else. Byleth was frozen, feeling stiff as a statue, even as Claude lead her. The rhythm and beat of the music did nothing to hide how awkward and terrible Byleth was at dancing, and as she stepped on his toes for the third time, Byleth winced and frowned, feeling terrible.

"Claude, I-"

"You're doing great, Teach," Claude interrupted with a warm and encouraging smile, only holding her hand tighter. "Loosen up. Do me a favor...just keep looking at my eyes. Alright? Don't look anywhere else. Just focus on my eyes."

"Your eyes?" Byleth tilted her head to the side quizzically, not quite understanding, but she figured he had good intent. "Al..Alright."

Byleth did as he asked as they continued to dance, only gazing into his bright emerald eyes as they moved. Soon enough, the people around them began to disappear into dark blurs as the two danced. Byleth didn't notice, but she relaxed considerably as she glanced into his verdant irises. Something inside of them was so comforting as they sparkled.

They twirled in circles, and Byleth couldn't help herself from letting out a strangled giggle as he spun her across the room. He laughed in surprise, a soft and ecstatic chuckle escaping his lips. He murmured something unintelligible under his breath, a smile on his face. Byleth shook her head, not understanding.


Instead of responding, Claude moved her downward, dipping her in his arms. Byleth gasped in shock, forgetting about what he had said and
clutching onto his arms in fear. He grinned down at her, holding onto her tightly. Byleth felt...safe in his arms, and she gave him a small smile. His hair was unruly as usual...but Byleth liked that wild side about him. His eyes sparkled in excitement as the song ended around them, and Byleth regretted the moment ending as he pulled her back to her feet.

"That...Was surprisingly fun," Byleth admitted, a bright look on her face. "Thank you for taking me here."

"No problem, Teach," Claude replied warmly, and Byleth felt her beating heart race when he squeezed onto her hand. She hadn't realized they were still conjoined there, but she certainly wasn't complaining. Claude smiled as the band started up a new song. "Lets keep going! You're with me, right?"

"As long as you're with me...Yes."

The two of them danced the rest of the night away as the band continued with their upbeat tunes. Byleth's mouth hurt from smiling and laughing so much; she honestly had never had a better time.

All too soon, though, the band played their finishing song, and people began to leave as the band packed up. Byleth stood on wobbly legs as she swayed from side to side.

"Ahah...I don't think I can walk," Byleth admitted with an embarrassed laugh as she staggered to the right, and Claude caught her before she could tumble to the ground. He swept her off her feet, carrying her in his arms and she chuckled in amusement. "Claude!"

"I suppose that's my fault, isn't it?" Claude winked at her as he carried her out of the venue. It was still dark outside, and as Claude carried her, Byleth began to wonder just what time it was. "Well, Teach? How was it?"

"I...I really enjoyed it! I mean, I've never really liked music before," Byleth admitted guiltily, knowing how he obviously enjoyed music so much. "But...that was so..different. I couldn't stop smiling."

"I'm glad, Teach. But we're not going to stop there," Claude smiled widely as they arrived near Byleth's car. "You're going to have all sorts of fun. This is just the beginning!"

"I look forward to it, Claude."

He gently let her down, and she hobbled into her car. As she drove away, Claude smiled.

"Me, too."

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