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A/N: you guys are too funny with your reactions to Rhea. I laughed my ass off upon reading them.

"Rhea...not well. Not well at all."

"I figured as much," The Archbishop sighed, her serene features furrowed in frustration. "...This is most unfortunate. I thought...I thought perhaps the unification of the companies would provide you ease and cure your condition, but alas..."

"Why...Why would you think that?" Byleth frowned. "Why would that affect anything?"

"Because the power of the church works in ways one cannot imagine. It is a blessing...and a curse. The power does not always work the same way. After I reunited the companies, everyone I ever cared about died," Rhea said solemnly before her eyes shifted to Flayn. "Except for two select people, who also bear the power of the church."

"How-How are you even sure that's because of the church?" Byleth couldn't help but remain skeptical. "It could just be a coincidence."

"Perhaps. But I forbid this young one and her f-brother from using their own power, just to be cautious. I feel as if your circumstance only confirms the power of the church."

"...If...If I had just ignored this unification problem, then...would I be okay?"

"No. This power does not like disobedience, I can reassure you of that," Rhea sighed. She placed a hand on Byleth's shoulder. "I do not know a solution. I am so, so sorry..."

"...Then can you answer a different question for me?"

"Yes," Rhea answered immediately, and Flayn agreed with a small nod. Byleth took a deep breath, her throat tight and constricted as she struggled to get the words out.

"If there was a way to save myself, but it included giving up all of my it even worth it?"

"To those who care about you, I would assume so. But being alive means more than just living. Are you prepared to live a life devoid of any joy?"


"...Perhaps not, but there is always the chance of moving forward," Flayn chirped in. "Right, Lady Rhea? Happiness is not always in the present. You and I know this quite well."

"I...I know. But I don't want to move on without him," was all Byleth had to say to make Rhea understand.

"This illness truly strips away what makes us the most happy, doesn't it? I do not have the answers for you...and I do not have a cure for you. I want you to understand that the decision you make is entirely final. There is no going back..." Rhea paused. "Are you prepared to make that sacrifice?"


"...Then there is no more need for turmoil," Rhea gently pulled Byleth into a hug. "You have your decision, you need not fret anymore."

"It's not that simple," Byleth tried to argue, but Rhea shook her head.

"It is. Any time you feel yourself beginning to waver on your life, you must focus on what you are not willing to give up. Let that be your justification. He, assuredly, will not like your decision...but if he truly loves you, he will acquiesce."

Rhea had read the situation like a book, considering what had happened to Byleth. Byleth sighed.

"I know, but...I feel so guilty."

"Unfortunately, I cannot do anything to solve that. There is a price to every decision we make," Rhea said softly. "If this is any small comfort...he is strong. He will make it past your...well, you know."

"...He's so strong," Byleth felt herself tearing up once more as she clung to Rhea. "To stay with me willingly, knowing it's killing me...He has to watch me disappear in front of him and stay since it makes me happy...dammit, why is he so selfless? Why am I so selfish? He deserves so-so much better-!"

"I think you've made him the happiest he'll ever be," Rhea replied. "...Byleth, you should go now. Go to him...enjoy what you have before it's gone."

"I...I will," if anything, Byleth somehow felt even more guilty. It wasn't because of Rhea, but speaking her philosophy out loud just sounded so...idiotic. What kind of fool gave up their life and made everyone else suffer just for a little more happiness?

A love struck one, that was who.

Byleth...accepted that.

It was idiotic. It was foolish.

But she was going to do it.

I'm sorry, Claude. I know you'll be stronger than I am and find happiness without me.

With that, Byleth thanked Rhea and was on her way. As she left, Flayn turned to Rhea, a troubled look on her face.

"Lady Rhea...will she not live forever like us?"

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