Prelude of Blood

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353 Words~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written January 3 2021
Posted September 8 2021

Chapter 1 will be on September 16 2021

Updated every Thursday except for the last one of each month, and September 9 2021

Posted a day early

Thump, thump, thump... thumpthumpthumpthump-thu-mp... thu- Red ringed indigos snapped open, the lulling thrum of blood flowing through veins no longer strong enough to snare his complete and total attention. That was odd, why had the sound stopped? Kid's pupils were blown to their widest, allowing the faintest hints of red tainted indigo to show.

His jaw moved on it's own, teeth sinking deeper, pulling up more and more of the delicious substance from its source. The fresh blood coating his tongue and lips filled the thief with a euphoric high, energy buzzed through his veins. It was exhilarating. Kid's eyes slipped to a close, he didn't need the sound, the roaring in his own veins was enough. He tongued the source with a lazy effort, though the flow had already slowed quite a bit already, he was mostly sated. It was tempting to just sink in his teeth, to tear until the blood bloomed fast once more, so very tempting. He continued to lazily lick up everything.

The thief sighed, removing his mouth from where he'd been feeding. A fuzzy and warm feeling overtaking him. He felt great, so very great. A lopsided smile made its way onto his bloodied lips, tainted indigos hooded in contentment. His thirst was sated for now.

He peered down, smile falling. Pale fingers curled, sharpened nails unintentionally digging into the one below him. Into Saguru. Kaito jolted as if struck, recoiling back, away from the unmoving detective "No no no no" He shook his head in denial, ice chilling his veins as his breath sped up.

Why was Saguru...? Why had he been on top of him?! Kaito curled in on himself, a wet sob escaping him when he noticed how much blood coated his Kid suit. That combined with the metallic tang in his mouth terrified him. What has he done?! Panicked, the magician noted the other bloodied bodies, they were Snake's men. Kaito clutched his head, not caring of the fresh blood dripping from his head. He was a murderer, he ran, not bothering to clean up the evidence. He was a monster, he didn't deserve to be free.

Me: >^<!!!!! I am so excited, I enjoyed writing this so much! It's so bloody, but not obnoxiously so, and it has just a touch of gore without being too off putting... I think... 0.0

Please tell me how you feel about the prelude of this story >^< Writing new stories is scary

Why am I not posting chapter 1 today as well? The answer is I just got my wisdom teeth removed, I'm not in a writing mood, because I'm also skipping my ADHD pills to save them for more productive days.

I can't swallow pills with just liquid, I need solid food. Taking the recovery pills are hard enough °^°

Thankfully I will be back to writing before my drafts are used up

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