41. Blood Splatter

132 12 8

1021 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 1 2023
Posted on January 8 2023

NEXT UPDATE is on January 22 2023

The fact that Kaito was now dating Shinichi... Well, even that couldn't completely ease the magician's worry when the two of them were called over to the little scientist's house three days after she'd scolded them. He didn't fear for their lives, but somehow that didn't really make it all that better. Ai could be really mean when she wanted to be, especially when it came to safety and dumb ideas.

His nerves caused him to squeeze Shinichi's hand, thankfully he'd been able to do so without breaking it. The subconscious control was reassuring considering that he'd grabbed the other's hand reflexively and could have very well crushed the fragile bones "What do you think would happen if we just ignored her?" Kaito inquired. He just knew that the tiny scientist had probably thought up what she deemed to be a suitable punishment for them.

Shinichi gave a blank stare in response "Nothing good" His hand hurt, but he decided not to mention it. Kaito's grip was just a bit much.

Kaito wilted a bit "I figured"

"Stop lingering and come in" Ai huffed as she opened the front door. The two had been taking too long.

"Sorry" Shinichi offered a placating smile, following Ai's instructions with Kaito following suit.

Ai rolled her eyes "If only you expressed such self preservation when it actually mattered" It was funny how the two feared her. She'd never actually done anything to truly harm either of them. She eyed the joined hands "Have you given Kuroba-kun any of your blood yet?"

Cheeks flushing a light tint, Shinichi looked away "Kaito hasn't drank any of it yet" He'd offered, but Kaito had refused for some reason.

Sensing Ai's gaze on him, Kaito played with a loose strand on his shirt "I wanted to wait until after you've punished us, just in case I take too much" It was a partial truth, he was also worried that he'd like it too much.

"Well" Ai paused, messing with them "Since Kudo was the biggest idiot this time around, I'll have him donate enough blood for him to lose consciousness" She pulled out a large needle. It was much larger than what she actually needed.

Shinichi paled "Why do you need that much of my blood?!" Ai's statement was unusually messed up this time.

"I don't need it" Ai deadpanned.

"What?" Kaito was confused "Then what's even the point of doing this?"

Ai smirked "Kuroba-kun's punishment will be that the blood will be dumped on him and he won't be allowed to drink any of it"

Kaito's jaw dropped "That's just messed up!" He waved his arms angrily "At least donate the blood somewhere, blood is valuable!"

"No" Ai offered an innocent smile "What's messed up is that the both of you are going to let me do it" While this was a punishment, it would also double as a test.

The sleuth opened his mouth to deny, scowled, then closed it, letting out a huff instead as he crossed his arms "Let's just get it over with" Ai probably had another reason for doing this, so he might as well just go along with it. He offered Kaito a smile, the guy looked visibly upset "It's fine"

Kaito reluctantly watched as Shinichi offered Ai his wrist, grimacing when a large needle was inserted into a vein. He'd always thought that Shinichi had been joking when he'd mentioned Ai draining him of blood sometimes.

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