12. Bloody Task

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1031 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 8 2021
Posted December 23 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on January 6 2022

The next day had the sleuth cautiously entering the magician's house. Kaito had given him the key. He locked the door behind him, not wanting someone to sneak in. Nakamori-keibu, the head of the Kaitou Kid task force was ironically Kaito's neighbour. Shinichi did not want to answer any questions that the inspector may ask if he caught him here.

Kaito's house was messy, but not disgustingly so. It was more of an organized chaotic mess than an unsanitary one. Resisting the urge to look around, Shinichi followed the directions that Kaito had given him until he was in what was most likely the magician's room. The room held more magic props than the rest of the house, and had a very large bird cage housing a single dove

"Hi Tsuki" Shinichi's words were soft, Kaito had told him that Tsuki responded better to strangers when they spoke nicely. The sleuth slowly approached the cage, not wanting to startle the dove, blinking when he spotted the bandage covering Tsuki's left wing. So that was why the cage was closed, to prevent the dove from straining herself. Kaito had told him that the cage was almost always open.

Tsuki cooed, tilting her head curiously at the stranger before hopping excitedly towards the bars.

Shinichi smirked, he both sounded and looked like Kaito, so maybe Tsuki would learn to trust him quicker? "Want to see Kaito?" Tsuki perked up at the magician's name. He'd been hoping that she would, which was why he'd called the magician Kaito instead of Kuroba. Since he didn't have to worry about Tsuki flying away in fear, Shinichi opened the cage and stuck his hand in.

The dove eyed the hand for a few moments before hopping onto it.

"Good Tsuki" Shinichi praised, giving Tsuki a few pets on the head. Kaito seemed like the kind of person to spoil his pets with praise. The magician was an animal lover after all, and animals seemed to return his affections. He still remembered that Kaito had managed to play and make friends with a wild goat after saving him from being thrown out of a blimp. Walking up to wild animals wasn't safe, especially ones that had sharp horns.

Shinichi hummed at the thought of pets, bringing Tsuki to his house would be really good for the magician. Though first he'll take Tsuki to the vet, Kaito would have mentioned the injured wing if he'd known about it, so it must have been a more recent thing. Assuring that Tsuki was healthy would help calm Kaito when he found out about the injury.

The sleuth gently cradled Tsuki to his chest as he started to make his way out of Kaito's room, pausing to stare at the giant portrait of Kuroba Toichi. Azure softened, with how upset the other has been lately, he could understand why Kaito wouldn't want to be in his room. The magician loved and respected his deceased father, having the man's gaze staring at him would have just made Kaito feel even more guilty about what he'd done.


Shinichi jolted at the sound of the front door opening. Oh no, this wasn't good. The inspector's daughter should be at school! He glanced nervously at the bedroom door, then at the portrait before pushing it open, entering, then spinning the picture back to how it normally looked. Shinichi then locked it, glad that the magician had left it unlocked in his panic.

Kaito hadn't told him about the portrait, but he'd decided to test it anyway since it seemed so cliche. Shinichi was glad that his wild guess had been correct, he could already hear the girl stomping angrily up the stairs. He shivered, recalling the videos he'd seen of Kaito playfully dodging a mop. Yeah, he did not want to face an angry woman who wanted answers that he was unable to give, nope, not at all. He was fond of not being concussed.

Cupping Tsuki to his chest, Shinichi slunk deeper into what he assumed to be Kid's secret room. There was dust everywhere, with only a few select places being free of dust. Shinichi grimaced, it was depressing. The magician was obviously trying to retain as much of his father's presence as he could. It wasn't sanitary, and it made him wonder why the magician didn't have any breathing problems.

Shinichi shuffled over towards what looked to be a dressing area, it was the least dusty location. There were countless different outfits. The sleuth felt his eye twitch at the sight of multiple copies of his own signature clothes, the jerk. He actually recognized a lot of the outfits.

A small laugh escaped him when he came across a large labeled container that read; Meitantei Hair Gel. Was his hair really that hard to replicate? Well the magician's own hair was quite wild on it's own, so maybe taming his hair was the real problem. He was trying his best not to look around, by being too nosy. It was hard though. There was just so many gadgets and blueprints all over the place.

The sleuth paused when he spotted one of Kid's card guns. It's loading chamber was different, but it looked different than the magician's usual ones. Maybe an upgraded model? One that'll never be used if the other really had been telling the truth about quitting. Shinichi grabbed it, tucking it away in his shoulder bag. It was a familiar, but new item, maybe it would give Kaito some comfort. Shinichi snatched some hook shots and piano wire too. If Kaito was going to be helping him, he would need some of his gadgets.

If the magician didn't want to use his own tools, then Hakase could look at them to make different variations of them. Using the exact same tools might be too much for Kaito, but they were tools that he was skilled with. It wouldn't hurt to have them lying around just in case.

Azure softened sadly as he did his best to ignore bloodstains of various ages. They were scattered about, but there all the same. Shinichi gave Tsuki a few good scratches. He'll reunite Tsuki with her owner once he was sure it was safe for him to come out.

Me: Tsuki will be good for this Kaito... A loving pet~

Comment? ^-^

I did something that'll horrify some of you...

... I ate 8 day old takeout chicken O.O

And... I was absolutely fine and it tasted great ^-^

I usually limit it to 7 days, but I lost track of time

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