6. Bloody Teeth

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1033 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 14 2021
Posted November 4 2021

Um unintentional self harm? It's not done with proper intent

Kaito didn't really end up going to sleep, he managed to doze off and on, but proper sleep managed to elude him. He really should have spent more time sleeping though, he went through blood bags fast. Each bag seemed to taste different, with varying freshness spread out between them. None of them resembled anything close to fresh blood, though wasn't using older blood a good thing? Blood did have an expiry date after all.

His fangs ached for him to sink them into something, the constant throbbing was hard to ignore. The visceral need to just dig his fangs into flesh, to draw fresh blood for him to drink, it scared him. Kaito had eventually started to just chew at his own wrist, it would heal, and nothing else in his makeshift cell had worked. The bar of soap had given away easily, but it'd tasted horrible and hadn't lasted long enough to be worth it.

The magician knew that he shouldn't be chewing at his wrist, healing factor or not. It hurt, it was messy, and it just made him more and more thirsty. Kaito had gotten himself stuck in a horrible cycle. He chewed because the blood wasn't good enough, the chewing caused him to need more blood, the blood still wasn't good enough so he chewed some more.

Kaito had taken to sitting in the tub as he chewed, it made for an easier cleanup. The pain was fierce, not dulling despite the frequent damage. His nerves were regrowing to be raw? More sensitive? Either way, he just couldn't bring himself to stop. Tainted indigos were wet from pain, dried and fresh tear tracks trailing down his face as he continued to chew, breath shuddering as he did so. It hurt so much, he didn't want to hurt!

When the sleuth came to check on him, Kaito knew that Shinichi would be very upset. That would be fine though, they'd be able to fix this. He just needed something suitable for him to sink his fangs into, to fulfil the aching need. As embarrassing as using a dog toy sounded, Kaito wouldn't be against trying some out. Dog teeth were sharp, so they'd be able to handle his fangs, at least for a little while. His fangs were definitely sharper than the average dog's tooth, his were made more for piercing rather than tearing.

The magician suddenly paused, fangs still deep in his wrist as he turned both his head and wrist in the direction of the door. A heartbeat was coming closer, Shinichi was awake. Kaito removed his fangs, allowing his skin to neatly knit itself back up. Kaito shivered, he could hear the blood thrumming through the other's veins. It sounded so good "Kuroba-kun, are you alright?"

Kaito let out a small keen despite himself. It would be so easy to lure the other inside then suck his blood "I'm not sure" His voice cracked.

There was a small pause before the sleuth spoke "Will I be safe if I open the doors?" Kaito's tone had sounded off.

Tainted indigos stared down at the bloody mess that he'd created "I don't know" He was lucid, or at least he felt lucid, but his actions weren't like him. He wasn't acting like he normally did.

"Okay, then don't be offended if I end up having to knock you down" It was risky, but Shinichi wanted to check on Kaito. Maybe there should have been three sets of doors, bars, the solid one, then another set of bars. The solid one was on the inside so he'd have to open both sets to view the other. The initial decision had been to allow Kaito as much privacy as he wanted or needed.

"Okay" Kaito nodded even though the other couldn't yet see it. That was fair. The blood covering him didn't help him gain any confidence regarding how dangerous he was.

When Shinichi opened the doors, he had to take a step back at the strong scent of blood "You should have opened the window" The bars allowed for it to be opened. He couldn't stop himself from paling when he spotted Kaito. The magician was covered in blood, and his eyes were more red than before. Kaito looked horrible.

Kaito wilted a bit under the sleuth's gaze, feeling judged "I really like the smell" He looked away, avoiding eye contact.

Shinichi swallowed "Understandable, but what if the smell was making you... less in control?" Most of the blood looked like it'd originated from the magician's left wrist. It was alarming to think that Kaito had been hurting himself, but considering Kaito's healing factor, he'd check on his mental health first.

The sleuth's heartbeat had sped up considerably after entering the cell. Kaito wanted to get closer, to hear it better "Maybe..." His blood covered fingers curled together. He wanted that to be fact, wanted a better reason for why he'd been acting like this. Any other reason besides degrading "I'll prop open the window later"

"How has the blood been?" Shinichi inquired, nudging a box filled with empty blood bags out of the cell.

Kaito's shoulder's hunched, making himself feel smaller "It's so flat, it doesn't feel like enough" He didn't want to admit it, he really didn't. It was important though, Shinichi needed to know that he wasn't being fully sated anymore. He'd be in less danger if his guard was up.

Azure narrowed in thought "So the freshness is important" The blood bags the night before had been more fresh. He eyed Kaito "I'll see if the local butchers have any blood, some people use it for fertilizer" Hopefully animal blood combined with the blood bags would help sate Kaito better.

"Can you also buy me stuff for chewing, my fangs are aching, I need to chew" Kaito inquired softly.

Shinichi's gaze flickered towards the bloodied wrist that Kaito was hugging to his chest, the magician seemed ashamed "Of course" He kept his tone soft and understanding "You just grew fangs, I should have realized that you'd need something to chew"

Kaito blinked, turning to shyly meet Shinichi's gaze "It's not weird?"

"No" Shinichi shook his head "Your case may be more excessive, but your body is probably still adapting to your spontaneous fang growth"

Me: So Kaito went a bit crazy it seems... Hopefully it doesn't mean that he's degrading

Comment? ^-^

I like oranges, I haven't eaten one since I was 10... The reason? I don't like peeling them.

I bought myself some oranges recently as a splurge? Haven't bought myself actual fruit besides frozen blueberries that one time in years

I have come to the conclusion that... I still don't like peeling oranges °3°

Messy too, gonna eat what I bought and not buy them again. I dislike messy food

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