18. Sick Blood

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1018 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 2 2022
Posted February 17 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on March 3 2022

Since they had the culprit's face, all that really needed to be done was to put out an alert and possibly a reward for anyone who gave information on where to find here. It relieved Kaito to no end that the case was a simple one. He didn't feel as if he were up to helping with a complicated one just yet.

"It's nice when a case is simple" Takagi smiled. Beika had unusual cases and it just wasn't fair when everywhere around Beika had significantly less strange cases.

Shinichi nodded in agreement "Yeah, I usually like solving puzzles but Kuroba-kun and I need to get back home"

Takagi blinked "Wait, he's actually staying with you?" He hadn't thought that the sleuth would actually invite someone to live with him on a whim.

Kaito grimaced "I'm not feeling up to being at home any time soon" He couldn't face Aoko yet, if ever "Kudo-kun was kind enough to offer me a place to stay" He wilted a bit "I've recently developed some health problems too so he's been a great help" Kaito didn't know what he would have done by now if not for Shinichi. He just knew that his situation would be a lot bleaker than it currently was.

"Yes" The sleuth eyed Takagi "Please don't tell anyone where Kuroba-kun is staying, he's avoiding some people and seeing them again wouldn't be good for him right now"

The officer's eyes hardened, that sounded suspicious "If he's in danger, you know you could trust me Kudo-kun" They've worked together often enough that Shinichi should trust him, at least to some extent.

"It's fine!" The magician inwardly winced at how unconvincing his words had come out. Kaito seemed to curl in on himself a bit "Something really bad happened and being around them just makes me feel bad" Kaito paused "It just makes it hard not to think about it when I think of them... So seeing them would make it worse" It was a partial truth.

"He's not in danger Takagi-Keiji, he just needs time away from everything" Shinichi assured, not wanting the officer to start looking into anything that he shouldn't. He wouldn't be able to find anything that was even somewhat close to the truth, but it would still be tedious to deal with.

"Ah" Takagi replied a bit awkwardly "That's good then, you two should head back" He was capable enough to close the case with the current evidence... And Shinichi's new housemate didn't look too hot, the guy was distressed and looked tired. He bit his lip in thought "Um, if Kuroba-kun is going to be a common face during cases, it would be good for some people to be aware of his health problems" The teen looked unhealthy, and was thinner than what was healthy for his frame.

Kaito blinked before slowly nodding "Sure, one of us will send the info to you" It would mean that they wouldn't have to explain any weird actions as often. He wouldn't be questioned whenever he was too obvious with how he was avoiding the sun and other things. It also helped that he knew that the officer was asking out of concern instead of malicious intent. He took another sip of blood, ignoring how Takagi eyed his multiple bottles curiously.

Shinichi checked the time "Good luck catching her Takagi-Keiji" They exchanged their goodbyes before he got back to leading Kaito home. The magician didn't look too good and he was actually a bit wary of the other throwing up on him. That would be both gross and bad. Bloody vomit would at best scare people and that wasn't something he wanted to deal with. Concerned, Shinichi eyed Kaito once they were out of earshot "You okay"

The magician shook his head "I'm starting to feel dizzy" It had slowly crept up on him, but now he was really feeling it. If the sleuth weren't with him, he'd probably just go hide in a bush or something until the sun set. Shinichi was with him though, and he highly doubted that the other would let him hide in a bush.

Azure narrowed with concern "I can call a cab to take us the rest of the way" Kaito was carrying most of what they'd bought. The bags probably weren't doing him any favours when it came to his balance.

Kaito closed his eyes, allowing the bags to slide off of his shoulders "That actually would be nice" He felt horrible. Normally he'd push through it, but he didn't want to strain himself too much since strain just made him more thirsty for blood.

"Okay" The fact that Kaito had agreed to his suggestion worried him, but Shinichi went ahead to call for a taxi. When he finished, he offered Kaito a reassuring smile "You've done great today, I'm proud" He really was. Kaito had gone against his own comfort in an effort to improve himself.

The magician looked away, cheeks feeling warm. That was an awkward thing to say, he wasn't a little kid. It made him feel a bit better though. Shinichi didn't praise people that often.

"Do you want to order pizza tonight?" Shinichi inquired. He'd seen the other eyeing some pizza ads a few days ago. Fast food often cheered people up, even if it wasn't healthy.

"I have all my snacks and fruit" Kaito breathed, sitting on the ground next to their bags. The frozen food would have to be checked over before they put it in the freezer.

Shinichi rolled his eyes "Just because you don't need to eat proper meals, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't have them" Kaito had snacked on stuff, but had yet to eat a good meal with him. He offered a shrug "Maybe eating proper meals will help your health somehow" The blood gave him all the nutrients that he needed... But there was more to eating than just nutrient intake.

Kaito hummed, head hurting "Maybe if I feel better later" He felt too sick to think about eating food, let alone greasy pizza. He was going to curl up with the fuzzy blue blanket Shinichi had given him when they got back.

Me: The sun is evil for Kaito~ Good thing he was never referred to as the Sunlight Magician~

Comment? ^-^

QAQ I have a confession to make... I was horrible as a child... For believing my older siblings lies and abusing a creature called a Chao.

This is a Chao

This is a Chao

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How did I abuse them? Well I stomped on their heads, threw them, and kicked them QAQ

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How did I abuse them? Well I stomped on their heads, threw them, and kicked them QAQ

Why? Because I was told that a dark chao became a dark chao from being treated bad, that it's skin darkening was due to bruises...

I didn't make dark chaos often, them always crying annoyed me

Only when I became a teen did I realize that I just needed to pet them with a 'Dark' character QAQ ...

Abusing a chao with a 'dark' character would have resulted in a hero chao... Gah

Child me was a monster... But my older sibling was the bigger monster QAQ

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