47. Bloody Meal

224 15 4

1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 2 2023

Posted April 2 2023

NEXT UPDATE is on April 16 2023

Salivating, Kaito's cheeks tinted a pretty shade of pink as red eyes studied the sleuth's face "Alright" He breathed, noting that Shinichi's expression was serious. His boyfriend truly did want to feed him his blood, sure Shinichi was more inclined to feel that way because he'd impulsively drank his blood that one time, but at leas the urge couldn't come from nowhere. Kaito gently held the offered arm, he was looking forward to the time where their relationship had advanced enough that he'd be drinking from Shinichi's neck.

Shinichi's lips curled upwards into a small smile looking pleased "I trust you Kaito" He paused, eyes gleaming softly "And I also do want this" More reassurance wouldn't do any harm, plus it was also the complete truth.

Not needing any more prompting, Kaito slowly lowered his head down to Shinichi's arm, opened his mouth, allowing a bit of drool running down his chin as he sank his fangs into the sleuth's arm with a delicate sort of ease. His fangs allowed for a clean and swift bloodletting.

The sleuth's face went from pink to beet red at the unconscious moan that slipped from Kaito's lips. He now had absolutely no doubt about how tasty his own blood was... It was making Kaito moan as he slowly drew blood. Unlike with the drool, not a single drop of blood escaped from Kaito's lips. Which kinda made sense, the punctures were clean and the magician was taking slow gulps. With neither an injured artery or an unhealthy blood pressure, his own blood wasn't spurting randomly.

Kaito's mouth on his skin was so hot, both physically and emotionally. The gentle hold accompanied by the occasional flicker of the tongue was something Shinichi really doubted that he'd ever have a problem with it since it felt so good. Actually, it felt amazing. A small shiver ran through him as he wondered how great it would feel if he'd offered his nick instead of his arm. It hadn't felt this good on that bloody night where Kaito had attacked him. Was that due to the lack of fear and panic? Just how much did licking up Kaito's blood affect him? Well... He had no problem with feeling pleasure from helping Kaito.

The time between each gulp was long and drawn out, leading the sleuth to believe that Kaito's drinking was mainly passive. Shinichi honestly had no problem with that, allowing his body to relax at the sensation. It felt amazing and he wasn't in danger, Kaito wasn't slurping down his blood like some mindless creature.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Kaito eventually withdrew his fangs, giving a gentle lick to the slowly weeping holes, sealing them. During the feeding, his eyes had drawn to a close on their own. He opened them, staring up into Shinichi's eyes. The sleuth was only slightly pale but seemed to be okay overall. Despite his paleness, Shinichi still had enough blood in him to allow his cheeks and ears to be tinted pink "Thanks for the meal" He couldn't help but joke. He wanted more of that delicious blood, but he'd have to wait until Shinichi offered it again. Just because he was given permission once, that didn't mean that the permission would always be active. It could be withdrawn at any time and he'd respect that. Even if it would make him a little sad.

"That felt a lot better than I thought it would" Shinichi admitted, tone soft. Kaito's tongue was red with blood, his own blood. He really wanted to kiss Kaito right now, which was weird so he refrained. Kaito was the vampire, not him. The sight of Kaito's moth filled with blood shouldn't make him want to kiss him. That was just weird.

Kaito made a curious noise in the back of his throat "I'm glad, I tried to be as gentle as I could" Shinichi enjoying it was a much better alternative to him being pained by the action. He didn't want to cause any harm, especially to Shinichi whom he loved. Hurting people in general just really made him feel sick. Killing Saguru was devastating, harming Shinichi would be akin to that because he loved Shinichi. On that note, he was extremely proud that he'd been able to stop himself at an appropriate time.

"I could tell" Shinichi smiled "Thanks" He brought his arm back to himself, examining the bite location. His skin there was smooth and uninjured "I am eager to feed you once more but I know that we both need to wait for my blood to replenish" He wouldn't pin all the safety responsibility onto Kaito. He'd do his part and only allow his blood to be taken when he was healthy enough to handle it.

With such a tasteful offer, Kaito couldn't help himself. His mouth was already drooling at the thought of drinking more of Shinichi's blood. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment, he brought his hands up to cover his mouth "Why do I keep drooling?" He whined

Shinichi breathed out a small laugh "Your thirst is unquenchable" There was a zero percent chance of him ever completely taking care of Kaito's dietary needs with just his own blood. The human body couldn't replace blood that fast. Shinichi tilted his head in thought "Did the transfusion make mt blood any less tastier?" He inquired, genuinely curious on what the effect had been.

Kaito hummed, tilting his head "It tasted a bit different, but it was still the most delicious thing that I've had since becoming a vampire. His eyes lit up softly "Shinichi is the tastiest" He stated. It was a fact.

"Too many blood transfusions would be very unhealthy for my body" He admitted, looking a bit sad "If I could, I'd provide all of your meals for you" he sighed "Unfortunately such a thing isn't possible"

"True" Kaito agreed, sharing Shinichi's disappointment. A soft smile was on his lips despite this "I hope you continue to think of your own health and safety before anything else when it comes to feeding me" He stated seriously "I don't want there to be any mistrust when it comes to things like this"  

Me: A successful feeding!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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