22. Hacking Blood

170 17 11

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 12 2022
Posted April 17 2022

NEXT UPDATE is May 1 2021

Haha... I messed up by going by the number rather than the day so this is a Sunday book... Haven't decided the day for Kaito oneshots yet

THIS BOOK WILL NOW UPDATE EVERY 2 WEEKS... possible extra updates but the guarantee is at least every 2 weeks

Not having to write so often felt nice, I felt kinda free >~<

Oh and happy Easter I guess •3• totally unplanned, I never know when Easter is until it's close

A few days later, the two teens were standing in the Beika Police station. While both of them were a bit nervous, Kaito was obviously more so than Shinichi. All Shinichi really needed to worry about was making sure that Kaito didn't freak out, it was the first time the magician had left the mansion after his eyes had changed.

They'd gone with the medical and science route, and thankfully everyone had just accepted it as fact. None of the officers had any reason to doubt the sleuth's word. Kaito, while weird, was a good person and that was that. It didn't matter if the teen looked odd, they were just glad that their favourite detective had a new companion at his side.

"If you're going to be working with Kudo-kun, you're going to have to bulk up enough that you're not skin and bones"

Takagi stuttered, flustered at Sato's blatant statement "Sato-san!" They now knew that Kaito had health problems, she was being very rude!

"What?" Sato raised a brow as she turned towards Takagi "Kudo-kun gets dragged into sticky situations all the time" She crossed her arms across her chest "Kuroba-kun will need to be able to take care of himself if going to be actively helping him" Kaito seemed like a sweet kid, she didn't want him to get hurt, for both his own sake and Shinichi's. Sato highly doubted that the sleuth would be willing to open up again if anything serious happened to his new friend while helping him.

A faint blush tinted Kaito's cheeks, he took no offense. He completely understood her concerns "Remember, I'm more sturdy than I look" He'd crushed an unopened can in his hands to prove his point earlier. Doing the act had been easy, especially since he knew that they were acquainted with Ran, who could do devastating damage with a single kick or punch. He couldn't blame them for doubting him though, he did look frailer than he should.

"Ah..." Takagi winced, remembering the loss of his drink.

"Now that everything is settled here, do you want to go back Kuroba-kun?" Shinichi asked, noting that while Kaito seemed to be faring better than he had at the grocery store, he still looked to be a bit tense, somewhat pained too.

"Wait!" Whatever Kaito was about to say got cut off by Megure Keibu rushing over. He'd left to go add the new information to their files in order to give Kaito more freedom around crime scenes.

Kaito wilted, the inspector probably had a case. He wanted to go back to the mansion already before the sun came out from behind the cloud cover.

Shinichi perked up "A case?" Momentarily forgetting about Kaito's discomfort, he could feel himself starting to grow excited.

Megure nodded "It's not a murder, but that makes it even worse in a sense" He breathed, frowning "It's a kidnapping" He grimaced "A little girl was snatched from Beika park just ten minutes ago"

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