10. Bloodied Concern

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1021 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 15 2021
Posted December 9 2021

Learning that Kaito had become vulnerable to the sun had put a damper on some things. Tests that involved sunlight would have to be done, which would mess with the magician's blood drinking schedule. Sunscreen seemed to help a bit, but the kinds that could normally be bought wouldn't work well enough. Being in the sun would slowly but surely starve Kaito if he wasn't protected well enough. Thankfully creating a ridiculously strong sunscreen was something that the magician would be able to do. It would be a good task for keeping the other busy.

The next two weeks ended up being full of tests. Leaving things up to chance was not something either of the two teens were willing to risk. Thankfully nothing too eventful had ended up happening, allowing their respective studies to progress.

Kaito had managed to concoct a sunscreen that would just leave him very sensitive to the sun, easily burnt but within human levels. On the sleuth's side of things, he'd become pretty confident in the blood ratio that they'd ended up with. The ratio was 36% human and 64% animal blood. The magician would probably always be a little underweight, but it was enough to keep him reasonably healthy and keep his head on straight. Kaito just needed to consume a litres worth of the mixture around every 1-2 hours. At least until Ai managed to synthesize a better form for the nutrients.

"Kudo, I'm surprised that Kuroba-kun has stayed here for so long" Ai mused, they were both in her lab. Kaito had left after the little scientist had taken the required samples from him "He doesn't seem to be the kind of person who'd be okay with being shut in for so long" Ai was still wary of the magician, but not as much as she had been in the beginning.

Shinichi grimaced "Yeah, I know" The only time Kaito left his house was when he had to come over to the lab, and even then it was only at night "I would have expected him to at least be more adventurous when it came to the tests" He'd been expecting the other to take little trips outside.

"It's useful" Ai shrugged "It's a lot better than chasing him down" She jotted down a few things onto her clipboard "But while his actions are making things easier for us, though I doubt it's a good sign when it comes to his mental health" Kaito was leaving the house more than the sleuth knew, except that such outings usually ended up with him unconscious and on Ai's examination table. The dark look in the thief's eyes whenever he arrived and left, it never failed to send an uneasy chill down her spine.

"One more week and it'll be a month..." It was both a small, and a large amount of time.

Ai smirked "It's shocking that you've been avoiding cases so much. I'm pretty sure that everyone thinks you're not in Japan anymore" Kudo Shinichi always came across murders, so if the police weren't seeing him, then the sleuth couldn't possibly be around.

"I want to get him outside before it's been a whole month" Kaito was doing good. Shinichi was confident that the magician would be able to handle short outings.

The little scientist's gaze narrowed at the other "That's what you want, I doubt that Kuroba-kun wants that" The magician hid it well, but he was in fact not coping as well as Shinichi thought he was. Physically he was doing better, but Ai could see it. Kaito was dealing with very unpleasant thoughts. Ai wasn't sure if she should voice her opinion about Kaito.

"He can't stay with me forever, he has his own life that he needs to get back to" From looking up the other's social media, it was very obvious that the magician was very popular and well liked by many people. Azure darkened as he mentally compared Kaito's digital smiles and grins to the person that he'd been living with. They gave off completely different feelings, even Kaitou Kid gave off more of a happy aura than the person he was currently living with.

"Don't push him" Ai cautioned "Kuroba-kun has just been existing and fixing his problems to make himself less of a burden, he hasn't really been living" Ai flipped to another page and began writing things down, purposely avoiding the sleuth's gaze "I'm not sure if he even wants to go back to living"

Shinichi went to refute, but paused as he thought about it. Kaito hadn't talked about any future plans, besides making himself less dangerous. The magician had also clearly stated that he wouldn't be Kaitou Kid ever again "I'll think of something..." He worried his lip. Kaito was sad, but also being very appreciative when it came to his own willingness to help, like he didn't seem to feel like he deserved said help.

Ai nodded "Maybe getting closer and befriending him could help, guilt him into sticking around long enough for him to actually want to stick around" The magician was a good person, very kind too. He seemed like the kind of person who could be guilt tripped with something like friendship, especially when it came to Shinichi. The sleuth had few close friends, and had given it his all when it came to solving Kaito's vampire problems.

Having Kaito as a friend... Shinichi blinked, that actually didn't sound all that bad. The magician was good, and skilled enough to survive the crazy that was his life "I think I'll do that" He'd just never intentionally approached someone to become friends with them before... He was usually the one having friendship being pushed onto him.

"State your intentions clearly, you're awkward enough that trying to be subtle might creep him out" She was starting to feel somewhat optimistic about Kaito's vampire problem. Kaito was so very similar to the others, but also very different. The growth in his chest wasn't growing like it had in the others. It had just grown, and remained the same size.

"I'll do that..." Shinichi agreed, feeling out of his depth. Initiating friendship couldn't be that hard could it?

Me: So Shinichi will be attempting friendship? hmmm XD

Comment? ^-^

Yesterday my city got their first proper snowfall that was over a cm. Snow is so pretty >~<

And I for some reason think some of the dirty snowbanks look pretty. Like the crystals are coloured brown from the snowplows XP

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