8. Mixed Blood

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 30 2021
Posted November 18 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on December 2 2021

Both of them had agreed for Kaito to try living on just animal blood. That had been a while ago. Now Kaito wasn't sure how he felt, or if he was coping well. He felt starved, hungrier than he'd ever felt before. It felt like glass was scraping along his insides with just how much the hunger hurt. The animal blood didn't satisfy his hunger, at all- except that he'd been like this for a few hours and he was still conscious. So the animal blood must be doing something for him. Kaito just didn't know what that something was.

Kaito viewed it as somewhat of a win. He'd been able to maintain control of himself, he knew this because his thoughts were clear. He was able to think, and act as he wanted. The animal blood was being consumed at a greater rate than the human blood had been. But was that because it was necessary, or because he just felt so starved? A lot of fruit had been consumed, so much so that he'd forced himself to stop out of fear of throwing up. There was a physical feeling of feeling full, but a gnawing hunger accompanying it.

Since he hadn't thrown up any blood, Kaito had concluded that his body metabolized it at a much quicker rate than actual food. He'd probably never actually overeat when it came to blood, but food was a different matter.

He was himself, just severely starved. It was very promising in his eyes, but also scary. How would he react to someone in this state? Would he attack them? Kaito was himself, so his self control should still work right? It'd just be harder to keep in check. The magician shivered, would he go into a frenzy if someone near him bled? The scent of blood was alluring, so horribly tempting. The animal blood varied in quality, Shinichi's was by far the best.

Kaito jolted, shaking his head. No, he shouldn't think thoughts like that. Those kinds of thoughts were dangerous. The sleuth was generous in his attempts to help him, fantasizing about his blood was just plain wrong. He suddenly perked up, the sleuth was approaching the door. The other's blood flow seemed louder to him than before.

"Are you aware?" Shinichi's voice sounded curious, and very concerned.

"Yes" Kaito's answer came out a bit tenser than he'd meant it to "I feel like I'm starving to death" Could he actually die from this? He wasn't sure, but that's what it felt like. Honesty was important when it came to his vampiric reactions.

Frowning, Shinichi opened the door, gasping when he spotted Kaito. He looked better than when he'd gnawed on his arm, but he looked worse than he had before returning to his makeshift cell. Kaito's skin was almost completely white, a deathly shade. The magician's eyes were now mainly red, with only traces of indigo left in them. They were also glowing fiercely. Just plain animal blood wouldn't cut it "Here" He quickly held out a blood bag containing human blood.

Kaito was quick to accept the blood, gulping it down vigorously. A content sigh left his lips as he felt his shoulders loosen. Just that one bag had made him feel so much better.

Shinichi blinked, the red was starting to fade from the other's eyes. Did the colour indicate how hungry Kaito was? It was too soon to say for sure "How do you feel after that?" He inquired. ready to hand the magician more blood bags.

The magician licked his lips, savouring the feeling "Hungry, very hungry" The urge to consume blood was still there "But I think I can manage without another bag for a bit" He highly doubted that he'd ever feel truly sated ever again.

Nodding, Shinichi smiled "If we can find the right ratio, we might be able to work this out" He paused "I'm not sure if you'll ever be healthy though if your main source is animal blood" It seemed to help him keep his sanity, but at the cost of his health.

Kaito pursed his lips, he didn't feel up to returning the smile "That's fine, I just don't want to hurt anybody ever again" Saguru was dead, and it was all his fault. Why should he be concerned about being healthy outside of keeping himself in control?

"Haibara might be able to make something to keep you healthy if the synthetic blood works out" A special vitamin just for vampires? It could be possible. Kaito's condition had been caused by magic, hopefully that magic didn't prevent synthetic supplements from helping.

The magician just shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

Shinichi frowned, noting the change in Kaito's demeanour "What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy" The mixture of both animal and human blood seemed really promising.

"I am glad that I won't be a danger to anyone" Kaito replied, not meeting Shinichi's eyes "I just don't see the point anymore" His shoulders sagged "I'll probably always be high maintenance, so getting arrested wouldn't be a good idea" They wouldn't believe him, and then they'd all die when he went mad from the lack of blood.

Azure softened "You're probably right, I really wouldn't recommend getting arrested" The magician's face looked so sad, so guilty "Were you guys close?"

Kaito's lips pressed together as his eyes closed "We were kinda like frenemies. We pestered each other but had each other's backs" Saguru had been very present in his life recently "We saw each other almost every day, we ate lunch together all the time" Saguru had grown to be an important person in his life.

"So you were close" Shinichi concluded, tone soft "I didn't know him all that well, but Hakuba-kun didn't seem like the kind of person who'd blame you for his death" Kaito didn't look like he believed him so he continued "He's very logical, so he'd understand that while it was your body that killed him, it wasn't you that did the act"

The magician's eyes burned "Probably..." Saguru was a surprisingly kind person once you got past his stuffy aura "That still doesn't make me feel any better"

Me: So a potential solution... Trial and error will be needed to tell for sure~

Comment? ^-^

*Licks salted crackers salt-face down* So tasty >~< Wheat Thins~

*Continues* ^-^... My tongue is starting to hurt

*Continues* ^_^.... So tasty *Tongue is raw* Tasty

*Continues* I can't stop >^<

...•_• how am I tasting things? I've been repeatedly burning my tongue and the gums connecting my top front teeth via fresh pizza during the same time frame

Garlic Naan makes a good pizza base

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