1. Tempting Blood

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 3 2021
Posted September 16 2021

Lucky, just barely missed  the cut off date so one more chapter this month before the week skip

Shinichi yelped, unable to help the sound that escaped as he was tackled to the ground the exact moment after he'd flicked the light off for the night. Both alarm and adrenaline pulsed through him as he struggled beneath his aggressor. Fear fuelling his movements as he kicked and hit at the other. Nobody would be coming to save him, he wasn't on a street, he was at home. He needed to save himself.

"Meitantei" The voice was familiar, but at the same time unknown to the sleuth. It sounded scared.

The sleuth paused in his struggles, azure blinking to adjust to the darkness "Kid?" Kaitou Kid's familiar outline finally came into view. The sleuth instantly noted that the other was clutching him too tightly, but was also trembling like a leaf.

Kaito's body shook, he didn't know why he'd come here. He honestly didn't really remember how he'd gotten here. But he knew that he shouldn't have come. A small whine passed through his lips, he could hear the other's blood flowing. The steady roar was alluring, the heartbeat was fast, but was easing to a less frantic beat. Kaito was thirsty, he wasn't a second ago, but he was now. It would be so easy. The magician lowered his head, opening his mouth to reveal his newly acquired fangs.

Shinichi's next question died on his lips as his gaze zeroed in on the thief's fangs. The window's moonlight cast over them with a dangerous gleam "Oi..." Kid was acting strange, and he had somehow gotten fangs. He hadn't been keen on being pinned down by the other, but now he was even more averse to it. When he attempted to push Kid away, he was alarmed to realize that the other wasn't budging. Kid hadn't been this strong the last time they'd met. The thief couldn't have possibly gotten so strong in such a short amount of time, so either this wasn't actually Kid, or something was very wrong.

The magician licked a line across the other's jugular, cleaning it. He felt the other tense beneath him when he gently scraped his fangs across, it was an easy thing to ignore. Mouth already salivating, Kaito eased his fangs in, the flesh easily making way for him.

Too afraid to talk or even move his neck, Shinichi focused on trying to push the other away. Moving his neck while there was something embedded in it was not something that he wanted to attempt. He heard the other keen softly, though he wasn't sure. Shinichi's vision had already started to blur. Shit. Fear buzzing through him, Shinichi risked talking "Kid!" His voice didn't come out as strongly as he'd hoped, for a brief second, he'd thought that the other hadn't heard him.

Kaito froze, a low whimper escaping him as he quickly withdrew, scrambling back "I'm sorry" His voice cracked but he didn't care. Even though he was already on his knees, he bowed, hands planting themselves on the ground as if he were crawling "I'm so sorry" Oh god, he'd killed Saguru, then sought out Shinichi to kill him too. He broke down into a sobbing fit, not caring if the other called the police or not. He was dangerous, too dangerous

Shinichi slowly backed away from the now sobbing thief, feeling disturbed by the other's actions. He carefully got up, feeling blood drip down his neck as he flicked on the lights. The sleuth sucked in a breath, Kid was absolutely coated in blood. Shinichi eyed the other warily as he put pressure on his neck "What happened?" Had someone important enough to the thief gotten killed at the heist? Was that why the other seemed to be so unstable? Unstable and dangerous.

"I don't know" Kaito choked out, raising his head to look at Shinichi, earning a gasp. He was almost glad that he didn't remember anything, that he wouldn't have to live with the memories of becoming a murderer "I don't even know how or why I came here"

The fangs weren't what caught the majority of the sleuth's attention. What really caught his attention was the other's unmasked face, the mouth area was covered in blood, not all of it fresh. A chill ran down Shinichi's spine as he looked into those teary eyes, they had an unnatural glow to them "I-" He swallowed uneasily, remembering how Ai had told him about some of the supernatural aspects of the Crows' endeavours "Did you become a vampire?" If Ai had believed in such things as the supernatural, then after being presented with all of this, maybe it might not be so far-fetched of an idea.

Kaito blinked, recalling what actions that he could. The gem had glowed red... Weren't vampires supposed to be immortal? "Oh my god" Was he going to be like this forever? How many people was he going to end up killing?!

Watching the thief curl up into himself was disheartening. From what he could gather, Kid hadn't been attempting to become like this "It's going to be okay" Shinichi offered lamely.

"No it's not!" The cry was partially a snarl, but was mostly a sob "I killed Hakuba! I almost killed you!" There, now Shinichi knew that he was a horrible, bloodthirsty murderer. He could easily remember how great the blond's blood had tasted, how much he'd enjoyed drinking it.

Azure widened, that changed some things... He'd assumed that the other had only assaulted others, not killed them. Especially someone he knew Kid was fond of. Kid was dangerous, and the risk of being killed was apparently quite real "We have some spare blood saved for accidents, I'm sure that Haibara would be willing to synthesize some blood for you?" Vampires needed blood, as Kid had already demonstrated. They needed to get the other a food source before things got more dangerous. Kid obviously didn't want to kill, so that was the first objective. Afterwards... They'd deal with the rest.

Fake blood? Kaito's shoulders drooped "What if that doesn't work?" He bit his lip, blood flowing freely. His tongue automatically swiped it up "I don't want to kill you too, or anyone"

Me: A very dangerous Kaito... Will this end with another dead detective? And will we find out what happened at the heist? 

>^< First chappy... So scary, almost intimidated myself into giving up... 

This was written so long ago QAQ *Very intimidated* January... I'm scared of messing this up, rereading what I have written excites but also scares me because I love it

I really really wanna do good on this, love vampires, love hurting Kaito, so much angst and it's only chapter 1

Comment? ^-^

•3• I despise oil paint, when I had an assignment with it in art class, I just did a quick ugly thing to get it over with

I was already the best in class having done multiple of each project.

I refuse to ever work with oil paint, it's messy

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