13. Blood Band

214 22 4

1036 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 13 2021
Posted January 6 2022

Kaito perked up at the sight of his young dove, then frowned worriedly as he gently scooped her up "What happened to her?" Kaito inquired, tainted indigos filled with concern. Tsuki had a bandage on her wing, and he wasn't the one who'd bandaged it!

Shinichi smiled, Tsuki was already cooing happily now that she was in Kaito's hold "Her wing was already bandaged when I found her. I took her to the vet though just to be safe, she just has a bad scratch that needs to be kept clean"

The magician relaxed a bit at the information "She's such a troublemaker..." He complained, his tone laced with fondness. In addition to being Kaito's youngest, and now only dove, Tsuki was always the one who got into the most trouble. She loved to steal things, or grant him surprise gifts consisting of items that did not belong to him.

Seeing Kaito with Tsuki reminded Shinichi of how Kaito was with that goat. Bringing Tsuki to his house had really been a great idea "The only thing stopping her from flying is the bandage"

Kaito nuzzled the dove, plopping her onto his shoulder as he took a few sips from his bottle. Tsuki's soft cooing was relaxing "I'll keep it on her to prevent more mishaps from happening while she's still healing"

Shinichi nodded in understanding "You can order whatever you need for her and have it delivered here. I only grabbed a small bag of her food since your friend seemed to be eyeing your house funny"

The magician's smile left his face, replaced by a sad frown "Yeah, Aoko likes to barge in uninvited a lot" It was another reason why he didn't want to go back home. What if Aoko barged in at a bad time?

"At least Ran knocks..." Shinichi grimaced, at least she did most of the time. Aoko hadn't even knocked first before barging in. Noting that the other's happiness had dampened, Shinichi decided to change the topic "So about you helping me out with cases, are you going to go as yourself or with a disguise?" It was probably to get that sorted out sooner rather than later.

Kaito frowned, giving Tsuki another nuzzle "I'll go out as Kuroba Kaito. I'll just ask to remain unnamed" Using a disguise wouldn't be good for the long term "I'll use contacts to get my eye colour back to normal..." His unnatural eye colour would attract too much attention "I'll also wear hats for sun protection, and add a new sun allergy to my medical files" His paler skin tone and different style should throw off those that knew him, at least from a distance. If he came across Aoko he could just run away, she wouldn't know where he lived, so she wouldn't be able to pester him with questions that he didn't want to answer.

Shinichi nodded "That would work" He hummed "Would you be up for me informing Megure-keibu about you accompanying me, or is it too soon for you?"

The magician stiffened, it was much too soon. He wasn't ready at all "It's still too risky... I might hurt someone"

"I think that you'll do fine" Shinichi soothed "I really think that we've finally found the right balance for you"

"The blood will spoil if we're gone for too long" Kaito sighed. After 8 hours without regulated storage, blood wasn't nutritious to him. The magician looked away "I'll get hungrier because of the sun, even if my sunscreen will provide almost perfect protection" And just because he was lucid, it didn't mean that he still wasn't hungry. He's already started to get used to the hunger... "Smelling freshly spilled blood could also make me worse"

Shinichi frowned, Kaito was making some good points... But still, he wanted to get the magician out of the house "We'll never know for sure if we don't even try" The fear in Kaito's eyes, it just wasn't right. Shinichi wanted to get rid of that fear, or at least ease it a bit. The sleuth bit his lip "What if I can promise that you won't be able to hurt anyone?"

Kaito eyed the sleuth warily "I don't think that that's something that you're able to promise"

"It is" Shinichi reluctantly replied "Haibara designed some bracelets that are able to inject heavy duty sedatives into the wearer" He hadn't been impressed when the scientist had told him about them "I don't want you to use them, but I also don't want you to keep hiding away"

The magician perked up, intrigued "How do they work?" He liked the sound of them. He wouldn't be able to hurt anyone if he was unconscious.

With great reluctance, Shinichi walked over towards an end table and opened a small black box, it contained 4 metallic bands "This pair will administer the sedatives" He picked up a pair "That pair is synced with them and will signal the sedatives to be administered" He motioned the the pair still in the box.

Kaito quickly snatched the pair that Shinichi had been holding, snapping them onto his wrists. He tugged on them, surprised when they didn't budge "I can't get them off..." At least not without tools.

"... The sedatives also automatically administer themselves if you're over 400 meters away from me, give or take depending on where you're located via a GPS" Shinichi sighed, he should have expected the other to put them on before he'd finished explaining himself "If you're on a road, it'll wait until you're not on a road"

"Oh..." Kaito wasn't as thrilled about the bands anymore. He should have heard the full explanation before putting them on.

Seeing Kaito's discomfort, Shinichi let out yet another sigh "I can give timed permissions for you to be further away, and add onto the time as I see fit" Kidnappings were a thing, and it wouldn't be good to have the magician vulnerable because of one.

Kaito relaxed a bit. Good, he wasn't going to be forced to go out every time Shinichi went out. He rubbed the bands tentatively, they were cool on his skin "Could we try short outings first before I accompany you to crime scenes?"

"Of course" Shinichi readily agreed. Maybe they'll add anaemia to Kaito's file to explain any sudden loss of consciousness.

Me: So Kaito immediately put the bands on despite Shinichi's discomfort concerning them...

Comment? ^-^

The store near me started selling pre-cooked hamburger patties QAQ they're so good, take 2 mins to microwave and cost less than the cheap uncooked ones

Microwaving them is like reheating a normal patty, just without the huge greasy cleanup of cooking them first

So happy, I normally fry my patties for at least 40 mins on medium temp because I'm afraid of poisoning myself

And my step dad always burnt the burgers so I actually really like crispy burger.

It doesn't look cooked to me unless it's very dark >~<

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