9. Blood Test Week

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 8 2021
Posted December 2 2021

The rest of the week was filled with trial and error. With a mixture of both animal and human blood being a possible solution, Shinichi was eager to help the magician find out just what ratio would do best. Ai was busy working on manufacturing suitable synthetic blood, so that left the task mainly up to the sleuth.

Shinichi didn't want to just have Kaito stable and sane, he wanted the magician to be physically healthy as well. Kaito had already lost a startling amount of weight for such a short amount of time. The sleuth knew that the other probably hadn't had much fat on him in the first place, but now he was pretty sure that Kaito had lost what little fat he had had. Kaito had ,at the very least, lost 10 pounds, probably more. He'd only started checking the other's vitals and weight halfway throughout the week.

At least with the introduction of animal blood to Kaito's diet, the sleuth was less fearful of the other being dangerous. He wasn't faced with hunger filled red eyes nearly as often as he'd initially expected. It was a good thing. In fact, Shinichi was a little concerned that Kaito hadn't even mentioned anything about leaving. With things starting to look up, he'd expected Kaito to feel at least a little antsy about being let outside.

"I think the ratio of human blood needs to be raised a bit" Kaito admitted softly. The ratio had been lowered previously. He'd fastened a dark black water bottle to his hip, it was metal, unable to be seen through and durable enough to take a few hits. The dark colour would also make the contents look less suspicious. Mixing blood together then refilling said blood back into blood bags just wasn't practical.

Shinichi nodded, glad that the other was continuing to be honest to him when it came to blood. He knew that the magician didn't like the idea of raising the ratio, but was telling the truth since lying would be dangerous for others "Right, the next refill will take that into account" Kaito had been less twitchy lately, it was a good sign.

Kaito hummed, chewing a bit on his lip. He'd grown used to his fangs surprisingly fast, there'd been only a few times where he'd accidentally cut himself with them "I've been doing some research, do you think we could make a special blood meal so I don't have to carry so many bottles?" He'd probably be able to manage without looking suspicious, but it would be a hassle.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure if it'll work with whatever synthetic blood Haibara manages to create" Shinichi mused "The animal blood won't be a problem though"

The magician pursed his lips "Ah, I was hoping to keep both bloods mixed" That way it wouldn't taste as good. If it didn't taste as good, then he wouldn't be as tempted to take extra sips.

Azure narrowed as he eyed the other. Kaito's fangs were very visible and something hard to miss. "How do you plan to hide your fangs?" They were a physical representation that the magician was no longer human anymore.

"Ah..." Kaito looked away "I considered filing them down at first, but decided to just not bother hiding them" He gave a small shrug "I've always been considered weird, so the idea of me modifying my teeth shouldn't phase people too much"

Shinichi grimaced at the mention of teeth filing. Teeth weren't meant to be filed. They should only be filed if they were already broken and causing more damage due to the sharpness caused by the break "At least that's one easy solution" Now if only more easy solutions were available. Shinichi shot Kaito another glance "Have you tested sunlight?"

"I haven't left your house at all" Kaito stated, playing with his water bottle's lid nervously "I asked Haibara-chan, but sunlight was never tested" They hadn't progressed well enough for going outside to even be considered an option. He was different from those other vampires though, the little scientist had admitted at least that much.

"Oh..." Shinichi glanced at the living room's window, the curtains were drawn to hide Kaito's presence, but he knew that it was a sunny day. This would either end up really good, or really bad "Do you want to test it out?" It was something that had to be done eventually.

Kaito glanced nervously at the window, shoulders tensing before he forcibly relaxed them. He offered a shrug "I guess we might as well do this at the start rather than risk wasting time for nothing..." Hopefully he didn't turn to dust. Tainted indigos darkened a bit. Would turning to dust even hurt?

"Don't talk like that" Shinichi scolded, not liking the other's attitude when it came to potentially dying.

"It's the truth..." The magician breathed as he walked over towards the window, pulling the curtains to the side just a bit. A small sunbeam was now hitting the floor "Well... I guess this is it" Kaito cautiously stuck his hand into the sunbeam, breathing out a sigh of relief when he didn't spontaneously turn to dust.

"So the sun doesn't harm you..." That was a relief. Shinichi forced his heart to calm down.

"It feels like I'm burning..." It was very painful, but there seemed to be no actual burning. Kaito blinked as he felt his hand being yanked out of the sunbeam. Shinichi looked angry.

"If it's burning, don't just let it continue" The sleuth scowled, examining Kaito's hand for any sign of injury. It felt a little too warm to be normal, but that was it. Kaito's hand remained uninjured, it wasn't even red.

"But we need to see how much sun I can actually handle..." Kaito replied, lots of testing would be required... The magician frowned, suddenly realizing that he was a lot hungrier than he'd been a few moments ago. He uncapped his bottle and downed a third of its contents "The sun will mess with any meal plans that we create" He sighed, disappointed.

"A super effective sunscreen shouldn't be too hard for you to make, right?" Shinichi inquired, knowing that Kaito was good with chemicals.

Me: Sun sun gives Kaito ouchies that hurt but heal quick enough for them to not be seen... Kaito's diet is looking promising... 

Comment? ^-^

.... I got no writing done during my week of no posting °^° it was a bad idea to start reading Danny Phantom fanfiction again

...my fav cartoon... Some of the fanfics are positively terrifying QAQ

Half-ghost teen with ghost Hunter parents, government agents with no care for civilians, ghost powers and logic. Vengeful fruit loops and old men that definately need a cat.

*Shivers* So much potential... One actually made me almost cry... One of my fav fics is over 1000k words long, excluding the sequel, another is over 500k words

•3• a valid reason for getting nothing done.... ^-^

So happy the cartoon is on gogoanime >~<

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