36. Fast Blood

124 13 4

1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC

Written October 26 2022
Posted October 30 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on November 13 2022

Even after they returned to the Kudo mansion, Kaito's ears still felt a bit warm. Shinichi was attractive, and a great person to be around. Had it really taken him until now, for him to realize this? Kaito felt a bit out of his element with this, it was like he'd just been slapped in the face with the facts.

His sudden realization also came with an embarrassing amount of attraction, all of it focused on the sleuth. He wanted to touch Shinichi, to make him his. Kaito also wanted to feed on the sleuth's delicious blood, the pull towards said person's blood had strengthened. Kaito couldn't help but feel as if the strength of his emotions were unnatural. Sure he might have been a bit attracted to the sleuth now that he thought about it, but the way his feelings had grown so exponentially within the last few hours was odd to say the least. Kaito knew this, but knowing something was very different from actually feeling things.

"You've been acting a bit strange ever since we got back" Shinichi mused, eyeing Kaito curiously. The magician had been glancing at him a lot, sometimes his cheeks would even be pink.

"I've just been thinking about things, that's all" Kaito shrugged, looking away. He wasn't lying, he actually was thinking about stuff.

"Just general stuff, or stuff that you know I wouldn't like?" Shinichi inquired. He didn't want the other to start spiralling in his thoughts again. Kaito could have surprisingly dark thoughts.

Kaito eyed the sleuth then looked away. Well... Shinichi had already seen him at his absolute worst... The guy probably wouldn't judge him "I've just realized that I'm attracted to you" Hiding his feelings would take too much energy, energy that he didn't have. So many things took a lot of energy now, it just wasn't worth it.

The sleuth blinked, taking a few moments to register Kaito's comment "Oh" He wasn't really sure how he should respond to that.

Offering a tired smile, Kaito shrugged "Keeping it a secret seemed like it'd take too much energy" Shinichi's response had been expected, and a lot better than it could have been.

Shinichi mentally shook his thoughts "Okay" He nodded "I acknowledge your feelings" He paused, contemplating on how he himself felt about Kaito "I really like being around you, but I'm not sure on what I feel for you" He truly did like being around Kaito, the magician was good company.

"That's fine" Kaito smiled "I wasn't looking for any reciprocation on your end" He knew that Shinichi wasn't really good with emotions, and it didn't help that the sleuth's experience in romance was scarce. Well, his own experience was even scarcer than the sleuth's...

The sleuth relaxed a bit, glad that he wasn't going to be forced to give a proper answer. The magician was quite understanding when it came to things like that "I'm not opposed to the concept of a relationship with you, I just don't know how I really feel"

Kaito perked up a bit. It was selfish but... "Could I try to romance you, or would that make you feel uncomfortable?" His want to be with the sleuth overpowered his desire to get away from anybody or anything that he could harm.

Shinichi eyed Kaito, a small smile curling on his lips. The magician really was so conscientious of how people felt, he was so used to people forcing their opinions on him "I think it might be okay, but if it's too much could you stop?" He'd never even thought about dating Kaito, but... It could end up being good for the both of them if it worked out. Also, he doubted physical harm would befall him if he ever angered Kaito... Okay, wow. Was Kaito really a better prospect than Ran ever was?

Red eyes gleamed as Kaito gently took Shinichi's hand and placed a kiss on it before releasing it "Okay"

The magician's dangerous fangs were easily felt with the kiss, sending a small shiver through Shinichi's spine "What do you think we should have for dinner?" He asked lamely, not knowing what else to say. Why did that kiss affect him like that?

Kaito hummed in thought, pleased that he'd gotten a decent reaction from the other "Let's order in some China food" It'd actually been a while since he'd had Chinese food. He was also feeling a lot better than normal today and a lazy meal wouldn't ruin that.

"Authentic Chinese food or American Chinese food?" Shinichi inquired, there was a difference and Beika actually had a few proper Chinese restaurants.

"American" Kaito grinned "I'm craving chicken balls and food that's less nutritious" Plus his mom hadn't let him have american Chinese food when he was younger so he often chose it just to spite her. The greasy food was also good once in a while.

"Well, we have been eating well so even if Ran finds the leftovers it should be fine" Shinichi added. At Kaito's curious gaze he explained "Ran likes to make sure I'm healthy" And probably Kaito too now if he knew anything about her.

Kaito smiled but it was a little less bright than before "My friend Aoko liked to drag me over to her house to make sure I ate well" He missed that... But then he wouldn't have been here with Shinichi. He met the sleuth's gaze "Can I use your first name? Or would that be too much?" He didn't want to be too pushy, so he would respect Shinichi's boundaries.

Blinking, Shinichi shrugged "I guess we could use given names since we've been staying together" He'd gone to america quite a bit so it was easier for him than it would be for people who haven't travelled.

Beaming, Kaito resisted the urge to hug the sleuth "Do you want to order the food now or later?" It wasn't too late in the day yet, but it also wasn't too early for dinner.

Checking the time, Shinichi noted that it was a bit after 5pm "We can order it now I guess" He was a bit hungry and Chinese food could be snacked on.

Me: hmmm curiously fast feelings...

Comment? ^-^

I went to a buffet for the first time and it was awesome >~< I 100% ate my moneys worth of food in desserts alone, I also ate lots of healthy food... 5 filled plates of food plus a bowl of ice cream... 

It was also very clean and fancy looking, the bathrooms were also quite nice ^-^.... If only the main mall's bathrooms in my city were as clean as that instead of looking sketchy

Yeah... I shouldn't go there often, I like being skinny XD

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