33. Bloody Denial

149 16 3

1014 Words excluding (A/N) I no own MK/DC~

Written September 15 2022
Posted September 18 2022

NEXT UPDATE is October 2 2022

"What?" Kaito's red eyes were almost impossibly wide as Ai's words registered in his mind. That couldn't be right, he was breathing and required sustenance to survive.

Ai sighed, displeased that she'd been forced to reveal this information so soon "You heard me right the first time Kuroba-kun" Why did she get stuck with the job of bearing bad news? "The gem's properties were parasitic in nature" She broke eye contact "Your heart has been taken over, and your brain will soon follow if it's not already started"

Kaito put a hand to his chest, he could feel the steady beating "It's still working the same" He frowned nervously "And my head doesn't feel any different than normal" Well, if one disregarded the cravings, but those cravings were normal. He was a vampire so craving fresh blood wasn't weird, right? If he were human, well that would be a different story then.

"It probably seems okay right now, but it's not" The little scientist sighed "You're remarkably sane, but your control could possibly wane" And then people could die.

"Then it's better if I stay away from fresh blood then" Kaito stated, crossing his arms "We don't want me to lose control while drinking from someone after all"

Ai pursed her lips "Fresh blood could help your control to stay strong" It was a possibility that she was willing to explore "Your body would be getting exactly what it needs, one can only go so far with substitutes" It was like how one just couldn't only drink meal drinks or just eat meal bars. It was never a good idea in the long run.

"Nope" Kaito shook his head "Forget it, I will do fine with just supplements" He would be fine, Ai was just being too overly cautious and paranoid.

The tiny scientist refrained from scowling "Fine, but I'll have to keep a closer eye on you from now on" She needed to be ready for when the magician's control eventually snapped.

Kaito nodded "That's fine, I won't stop you from trying to keep people safe" Plus if it made her feel better, then that was fine with him. He wouldn't begrudge her for wanting to be careful.

Ai turned, once more meeting the magician's gaze "You should leave before Hakase wakes up" Her most recent discoveries had put Kaito as more of a threat in her mind. He wasn't an active threat, but he was a threat all the same.

"Okay" knowing that she wanted him out of the house, he agreed to leave "Please don't tell Kudo-kun, the worry would stress him out"

"I won't tell him for now, but if I see anything I don't like, I won't hesitate to tell him" She'll wait until Kaito was more of an active threat. The magician's presence was actually good for the sleuth.

"That's fair" Kaito stated his response then left the house, heart beating rapidly. His heart couldn't be gone, it was probably just covered up closely. Yeah, technology could do a lot, but it couldn't do everything... But she had probably cut him open, but probably not fully.

He didn't want to think about the conversation anymore, so he didn't. Putting up his poker face he allowed his unease to be boxed up and placed to the side. Shinichi should still be sleeping, but there should be enough time for him to make breakfast for the both of them. Food was good, it made him happy, so he would eat it and drink his blood. It also made Shinichi happy whenever he saw him eating it.

Kaito ended up making bacon, eggs, sausage and french toast. It was a lot, and filled with protein so it would be very filling. The house smelled amazing with all of the different food scents lingering about, especially the bacon. It was actually somewhat surprising that the food scents hadn't lured the sleuth downstairs. Kaito shrugged, putting on a pot of coffee, this would probably do the trick. Shinichi wasn't even a vegetarian so being more attracted to the scent of coffee instead of bacon was just weird. Bacon smelt amazing and the sleuth's coffee was always so bitter.

Soon enough, with the addition of coffee added to the scents, Shinichi made his way downstairs. Kaito couldn't help the small laugh that escaped him "What would happen if I gave you decaf instead of normal coffee?"

Azure eyes narrowed "You'd regret it dearly" He wasn't addicted, but the caffeine really helped him to start his day. He could go a day or two without it, but it was unpleasant and not worth it. Sure those times were generally because of a case and adrenaline had usually fuelled him, but that meant absolutely nothing.

Kaito snickered "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that anyways" Shinichi relied on his coffee, and while the addiction wasn't good, it was acceptable. There were worse things that the sleuth could be relying on so coffee was fine in his eyes.

The sleuth nodded, pouring himself a large cup of coffee "The food looks good" He breathed after the first scorching mouthful.

"I really hope you'll still be able to taste it" Kaito grimaced, the guy's mouth must either be numb or the sleuth was a great actor. His own cup was still way too hot for him to even think about putting it near his mouth.

"I will, hot coffee doesn't affect me negatively anymore"

Kaito perked up, curious "Wait, it used to affect you?"

"Of course, but after burning my mouth so much, I don't even feel the burning anymore" It was very useful for when he was in a rush to help with a case. He could just down his coffee and go.

"That doesn't sound very healthy..." Kaito winced "Have you had a doctor check that out?"

Shinichi shrugged "It's fine, there's no visible damage or anything so my body probably just adapted to it"

A bit unconvinced, Kaito nodded. The sleuth would defend his coffee no matter what "Well we should probably start eating before the food gets too cold" He stuck his tongue out playfully "Cold scrambled eggs are disgusting and they reheat funny in the microwave"

Me: Kaito doesn't agree with Ai~ I wonder who is correct

Comment? ^-^

O really really like cheerios >~< I usually try the new flavoat leaat once except for peanut butter one

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