3. Bloodied Cut

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1039 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 11 2021
Posted October 7 2021

I love October ^-^

The tiny scientist didn't waste any time with starting up the tests. The magician was swiftly brought over to Ai's lab, thankfully it was still dark enough to hide their movements from any unexpected onlookers. It had been easy and quick, the sense of urgency had prevented Kaito from making any jokes- not that he was in the right head space to make any anyways.

It had been a bit alarming when the tiny scientist had barred Shinichi from entering the lab as well. The sleuth had argued, Kaito didn't. His potential future was in Ai's hands, not that he deserved it. He just felt obligated to obey her, allowing her to harshly jab at him with needles, drawing blood which in turn made him sip more vigorously at the blood bags. They were depleting dangerously fast. Kaito was worried that he'd run out of them soon, he tried to sip them at a slower pace. He failed. "Hey scientist-chan, how were those vampires put down?" Kaito couldn't help himself from asking the question.

Ai paused, she'd been preparing a blood smear to analyze. At the very least it would tell her if she needed to be concerned about Shinichi being infected or not. The previous ones that she'd heard about hadn't been able to infect anyone, but the thief had the potential to be different. They were actually hoping that that was the case, but she really didn't want to have to deal with a vampire apocalypse or anything. The thief had already had multiple victims to his name, that she was assured of. It was stressful even thinking about it "A bullet to the heart or skull, whichever was the easiest to aim for"

Kaito nodded, watching as Ai came over and injected something into him "That's good" If he couldn't be stopped from harming anyone, at least it wouldn't be too hard to make him incapable of harming anyone ever again. Death... That was scary. It was also a very plausible outcome for him in the near future. He suddenly felt himself sway, the familiar feeling of being drugged coming over him. Oh, so that's why the sleuth hadn't been allowed to come in.

The tiny scientist watched as the fledgling vampire slumped and inevitably lost consciousness. Her gaze was calculating, this boy in front of him was a very real danger to everyone around. It would be so easy to just shoot him then claim that Kaito had panicked and done himself in. So very easy.

She wasn't going to kill him though. Shinichi would be devastated, especially since the thief had actually sought him out for help. She also owed the two of them, so she needed to at least try to help Kaito. Ai didn't really have high expectations.

With Kaito unconscious, Ai quickly restrained him onto the lab table. While she knew that the other would never intentionally try to harm her, she didn't trust his instincts to work the same way. Shinichi's bloodied neck was only proof of that, and the sleuth couldn't even get a blood transfusion since the blood bags were required for oral consumption if they wanted to prevent Kaito from going insane.

Ai's gaze hardened as she removed the bloodstained clothing that'd covered Kaito's upper body. There was something that she needed to check, and that something was within the thief's chest. All of the notes had portrayed that all the vampires had had some sort of growth within their chests. She hadn't had a high enough clearance to read more on that specific subject, but it had been hypothesized to be the source of their power. A source that went completely inert when the host died.

If that was the case, she needed to remove it. Ai didn't know what the effects would be after removal, but she'd take that chance. Kaito was dangerous, skilled, and unnaturally strong. It would make the magician a lot safer to be around. If the hypotheses had been correct that is. Yes he'd still be dangerous, but it'd be possible to overpower him.

The tiny scientist did a quick test swipe on Kaito's arm with a scalpel, the flesh parted with ease before slowly starting to close itself back up. So the quick healing checked out, while it looked slow, it was obviously fast compared to humans. Ai studied the unblemished skin once it had finished stitching itself back together, no scars either. That was good, they wouldn't even know that she'd cut the other open and she highly doubted that the magician would mention getting drugged. He hadn't tried to stop her from injecting an unknown substance into him after all.

Taking in a deep breath to steady herself, Ai quickly struck. She needed to be fast or the healing would impede her progress. Skin parted easily once more at the 'T' shaped cut, it was clean, precise. Her tiny hands allowed her movements to be more precise, a better hold on the skin and muscles fibres as she forcibly pinned them back with a few needles. Being gentle would just waste time and it wouldn't harm the other in the long run.

Her hands were coated in blood, that was fine, it was a familiar feeling. Ai automatically ignored the normal human organs and bones as she deftly continued to peel back layers and layers of muscle. They were very thin. She was afraid that if she cut too deep in one go that she'd miss whatever growth that she was looking for. It could be the size of a pinky's tip for all she knew. Breath catching in her throat, Ai paused when something stopped her scalpel. It wasn't a bone, it couldn't be a bone. She'd been working on an area between a few ribs, on the left.

The growth had been found. Ai scowled, hands trembling with frustration. It was encasing the location of where Kaito's heart should be. It was red, but not the bloody tissue shade of red that came with bodies. It was shiny, hard, almost like a gemstone. That couldn't be right though, no matter what it looked like. Ai bit her lip, or was this why she'd needed a higher clearance than what she'd had to access more of the information?

Me: It's been a while since I wrote the previous parts, rereading them made me feel intimidated QAQ 

Kaito isn't actually harmed in this chapter, just to be clear

Comment? ^-^

°^° Cinder is sick, active but wheezing a bit.

I've been feeding them in small amounts but frequent instead of a lot that'll last a few days to prevent food from sitting in their waste for so long...

Cinder likes stashing the food in their poop or pee corner •-•

Cinder likes stashing the food in their poop or pee corner •-•

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