24. Bloodied Thoughts

152 17 7

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written April 25 2022
Posted May 15 2022

NEXT UPDATE will be on May 29 2022

Kaito snickered, largely amused by Takagi's stuttering. The poor officer didn't know how to react to his blatant hacking. He also hadn't stopped him from hacking, which was greatly against protocol and could land him in a fair bit of trouble if the wrong person found out "If you were really against it, you wouldn't have let me continue hacking once you realized what I was doing" Kaito teased, spinning in the desk chair. Wheels made chairs fun.

Takagi spluttered, Kaito was so strange! His personality was even weirder than his appearance "How can you remain so relaxed? We could both get into a lot of trouble!" He wasn't sure of exactly what sort of trouble that could entail, but he knew it would be bad.

The magician shrugged, still spinning in the chair, careful to keep track of how many rotations he was making "Yeah..." He paused "But we won't get into trouble so it's fine" Shinichi wouldn't allow it, and the sleuths skills were far too valued for anyone in division one to get onto his bad side, at least not anyone that mattered. Shinichi didn't actually work for them so the sleuth could easily stop helping them, making their job a lot more difficult and tedious. Having Shinichi's help saved them all a whole lot of time.

"But what i-"

"Nope!" Kaito quickly cut off the other's protests, gradually easing the spinning to a halt "It won't happen" Who knew that messing with this guy could lift his mood so easily? Ah, Kaito's mood fell at the thought as he stood up "It will be fine Kudo-kun's involvement makes those higher up more lenient when it comes to the law" It was a rarely voiced fact, but favouritism was plentiful when it came to the sleuth.

Takagi eyed Kaito warily as the teen suddenly approached him "Well..." How could he argue against that? The officer allowed himself to be steered into the chair, feeling a bit confused as he was gently prompted to sit.

"With your partner's driving, they'll probably be back soon" Kaito quickly turned away, heading towards the door.

"Wai- Ah!" Because Kaito had spun so much, Takagi spinning the chair to get up caused it to unscrew completely, sending the officer toppling to the floor. Said officer looked at the chair with confusion, then looked back only to note that the magician had disappeared from sight. He frowned "How did that happen?" He didn't weigh that much.

When Kaito made it to the lobby he found that he'd been correct in his assumption, both Shinichi and Sato had returned with Inko "Glad you returned instead of chasing the bad guy" Kaito smiled, keeping it small to prevent his fangs from being too obvious. The little girl had already been through enough, he didn't want to risk scaring her even more.

Shinichi looked away, an awkward smile of his own on his lips "It's not my car..."

Kaito frowned, somewhat disappointed "You don't need to chase every criminal, the guy's as good as caught" Once Inko had been retrieved, he'd ended their connection. He'd then cross referenced the woman's appearance and managed to find a match with her bus pass, from there he went into the more secure databases and got all of her identification information.

The sleuth eyed Kaito "You seem to be in a better mood" He was pleased.

"I had some fun messing with Takagi-keiji" Kaito looked away. It'd been a while since he's just truly messed with someone... He hasn't done that since... since Saguru died. Kaito took a large gulp from his water bottles, letting the blood ease his emotions. The grief stung and made his chest hurt.

Shinichi didn't miss the sudden change in the other's mood "Let's head home, I'll do the paperwork later.

"I can drive you both" Sato offered as she exited Megure's office.

"Thanks" Kaito was quick to reply. He just wanted to curl up in his soft fluffy blanket. Why were emotions so strange? He'd been fine before, but now he just wanted to be alone.

"Fast would be nice" Shinichi suggested, maybe the thrill would tide Kaito over until they got back

Sato smirked "I was going to go fast anyways" Shinichi's friend didn't seem to be doing well, a shame. It was always nice to meet people that appreciated her driving. She gave Kaito a friendly pat on the shoulder "Maybe I can take you for a spin when you're feeling better" Kaito gave off the kind of feeling that he'd be wild to hang around, when he was feeling good that is. Sato turned towards Takagi who'd just entered the lobby "Do you want to come too?"

Takagi hesitated, looking conflicted before shaking his head "No, I'm good. Maybe next time" He's already spent enough time around Kaito for the day. He didn't dislike him, not really. Shinichi's friend was just a lot to deal with and he had his fill of him for the day. He couldn't help but wonder how Shinichi could deal with living with him for so long.

Kaito partially zoned out for the trip back to Shinichi's house, not really focusing on anything specific for too long. It had forced Shinichi to convince Sato that the magician was okay, or at least as okay as he could be with all of his 'health problems'.

The moment they arrived, Kaito hurried towards his blanket, curling up so that he was completely beneath it, hidden from the world. Shinichi allowed it, restocking Kaito's bottles of blood before placing them next to the blanket covered Kaito. It saddened the sleuth, Kaito had been so energetic and had seemed at least a little cheerful. He'd talk to Ai about it later, she was basically Kaito's doctor at this point.

Shinichi shot one last glance at the hidden Kaito before heading up to his room. He wasn't good at cheering people up, but he knew someone who may help. Shinichi took out his phone. Would she agree to help him after he's practically ghosted her for so long? The sleuth let out a sigh, there was only one way to find out. He dialled her number.

Me: So Kaito has random mood swings~

Comment? ^-^
Warm weather is coming QAQ I hate it so much, lets skip back to winter please

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