16. Bloody Eyes

192 22 5

1019 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 16 2022
Posted February 3 2022

The shopping trip was mostly uneventful with Kaito sticking extra close to the sleuth. It was hard for the magician to really focus on anything besides the sleuth. With everyone's blood sounding so loud in his ears, focusing on the sleuth helped to lower it's intensity. Had the sleuth's blood sounded that loud to him at first? He didn't think so, and the little scientist's blood hadn't seemed loud either.

It gave Kaito hope, a few people around him didn't overwhelm him. It had to be a fair amount of people, and like he'd told Shinichi, he'd just have to get used to it. That was fine, he was good at adapting to things.

"None of these bird cages look good" Shinichi stated with a frown, shaking Kaito out of his thoughts.

Kaito turned his attention towards the cages, developing a frown himself as he eyed the stock. Very few of the cages were actually suited to house birds, and definitely not for the kinds they were marketed for "I should have expected this" He sighed, a speciality store would have been a better place to look "Thankfully Tsuki is trained well so we only need a cage for when she's injured or sick" His gaze narrowed with annoyance at the cages.

Shinichi blinked, glancing around, after seeing no people he spoke softly "I didn't realize that your pupils could constrict like that" They were narrow, like a cat's. He'd barely noticed with the other's coloured contacts in place.

Kaito blinked in confusion, which also made his pupil shape return to normal "My eyes are even weirder than before?" He asked softly, upset. It was already bad enough that his eye colour had to change to something unnatural.

The sleuth nodded, somewhat regretting mentioning it while Kaito was already tense "I barely noticed it with your contacts, most people would just think that it was a trick of the light" Shinichi offered a small smile "I doubt that you're going to be glaring at everyone so it should be fine" Anybody that the other glared at probably deserved it.

Despite Shinichi's attempt at reassuring him, Kaito still felt his shoulders slump in defeat as he grabbed the biggest cage that he could carry. He'd have to remove the perches that were for filing talons though, those were bad and did more harm than good "I might as well get cat-eye contacts and be obvious with it" He sighed. He doubted that he'll be in a good mood often when around many people, so he might as well make it obvious.

"You don't have to" Shinichi grimaced "I just notice things more than most people. It really should be fine" He hadn't meant to upset the other, the observation had just slipped out because he'd been surprised.

"If it only happened while my eyes were narrowed, you would have noticed sooner" Kaito resisted the urge to bite his lip "What if my body is still changing?" It was a scary thought. What if one of the changes affects his nutrient intake?

"It will be fine" Shinichi assured, placing a hand on the other's shoulder "All the major changes are bound to have already happened, any new changes should be minor and probably beneficial as your body settles more into itself" At least he hoped that would be the case. The sleuth really didn't want Kaito to decide that he needed to hide away for another month or so.

"What if my eyes are now sensitive to the sun?"

"Then we'll deal with it" Shinichi stated "Other people have light sensitive eyes too you know" Kaito didn't seem bothered by the store's lights. Then again, it was hard to compare natural sunlight to common artificial lights. The sun was just, bright "Night vision is a possibility you know"

Kaito pouted "I already had good night vision" He grabbed a few passable bird toys

"Then it might get better" Shinichi eyed the selection "Maybe we should check SmartPet?" It was a large pet store.

"Nope" The magician quickly shook his head "That store makes me sad, so many bad cages and horrible food for pets that aren't cats or dogs" Some of the cages were horrifying and made more for children than actual animals "I'll buy more stuff from smaller, specialized stores"

"Really?" That was surprising. But Kaito probably knew better than he did, he's never had a pet before. Would Tsuki count as partially his pet now that she'd be in his house? The bird obviously wasn't going to spend all of her time locked away, she'll probably roam around freely.

"Yup" Kaito was glad that the sleuth had thought to grab some of Tsuki's food. While it could be bought at most pet stores, he didn't want to support a large chain pet store. He'd already ordered some while Shinichi had been out fetching Tsuki.

"Huh" He'd keep that information in mind for if Ran ever got a pet. Shinichi glanced at their cart, it was filled with lots of food and a few bird supplies "Getting all of this back home will be difficult..."

Kaito eyed the cart "Not really, I'm good at carrying stuff. I'll be able to manage everything but the cage since it's shaped awkwardly" Sneaking all kinds of things into heists had been great practice. Some of his tools were actually very heavy. He was also stronger now, dangerously strong. "We just need to pack everything in a way that gets nothing crushed" He took a large sip of blood.

Skeptical, the sleuth nodded "If you say so..." They had a lot of stuff, he couldn't see a way to pack everything neatly and still be able to carry everything.

"Let's go check out" Kaito offered a small smile. He'll probably be teaching Shinichi a thing or two about good grocery packing skills. It was obvious that he didn't really go food shopping all that often with how he kept getting things shipped to the house.

"We could just take a taxi back" Shinichi offered.

Kaito paused "While tempting, the walking should do me some good" He wasn't going to take the easy way out. He's already gotten this far, the walk back wasn't even that long.

Me: So the shopping trip went as well as could be expected~

Comment? ^-^

Supposed to get a snowstorm today ^-^ perfect day to walk a km to the store

Love snowstorms, especially when they're more snow than cold.

It just makes me feel happy when it's storming >~<

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