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Hongjoong got up first, he saw that it was 9 in the morning.

Looks like he can't send Wooyoung to school today he has to send his baby omega at 8am and Wooyoung is the one who fell asleep like death after he woke up it took more than 5 minutes to get him out of bed.

Hongjoong came out and whispered into his baby's ear omega

"wake up darling ... Take all the time you need but come down for breakfast. Sorry, looks like you missed school today."

Omega baby stretched his body before asking. "I didn't go to school today?".

Hongjoong said yes and went out to make breakfast.

He cooked eggs, bacon and made toast and covered it with strawberry jelly for everyone.

He opened the frige for orange juice so a pair of arms hugged his body.

"oh, you're awake!"

seonghwa nodded as he limped into the chair. "How's your leg? Are you still shaking?" Hongjoong laughed as Seonghwa glared at him.

Hongjoong get into the living room and walked to the window and opened it smiling, feeling comfortable cold wind against his skin.

Suddenly a scream made Hongjoong start running back to the kitchen.

Hongjoong was shocked at Wooyoung who hugged Seonghwa's neck.

"It's okay don't cry, your father is here" seonghwa cheered Wooyoung who was still crying to Hongjoong.

"dad who is he !!" Wooyoung asked and HongJoong smiled.

"That is your new mummy" Wooyoung looked at him with big eyes. And look seonghwa

"Mummy?" Seonghwa nodded and came closer, he rubbed Wooyoung's cheek and kissed him.

"Hey honey what's your name? My name is Seonghwa but call me mummy now okay we will live together from now on" explained Seonghwa and looked at Hongjoong.

"Wooyoung 10 years, Omega" Seonghwa smiled

"He's the same age as my son Yeosang" Hongjoong was shook.

"You never said you had a son!"

"that means you two will become brothers!" continued Seonghwa, I didn't care about Alpha's question

Wooyoung was silent for a moment and suddenly shouted and make Hongjoong and Seonghwa cover their ears.

"YEEEEAAAAHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!".

Hongjoong scolded Wooyoung. "Woo! Don't scream like that or you will scare your new brother".

Seonghwa kissed both of them then pinched Hongjoong's arm.

"hey! What's the matter". Ask the alpha. Seonghwa then patted his stomach lightly.

"please take me to the room ... ᴵᵐ ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ˢᵒʳᵉ !!" he spoke in tiny.

Hongjoong nodded then told Wooyoung to wait in his own room.

After the omega baby left, hongjoong picked up and brought seonghwa bridal style into hongjoong's bedroom.

Hongjoong lay Seonghwa on the bed and hover over him.

"So ... which leg hm?" hongjoong ask evil make seonghwa laugh and push him.

"Oh my God! Stop with your stupid joke" hongjoong pushed Seonghwa's hand and embraced his neck.

"Okay! Hm ..... tell me? Are you going to get pregnant? " seonghwa shifted his body to sit down made hongjoong's head fall into his lap.

"What do you mean? I thought you were wearing a condom?" asked Seonghwa but hongjoong sat down and pulled seonghwa sat on his lap

"I did wear it but not in the second round" Seonghwa stared at him.

"You shoot inside?" asked Seonghwa and Hongjoong answered with a nod.

Seonghwa put a hand on his stomach.

"I don't know Joong maybe?" hongjoong rubbed his side

"it's okay honey even though you are pregnant i will still love you our baby".

Hongjoong pushed aside Seonghwa and went to his wardrobe.

"I'm going to meet your parents to talk about our marriage. I'll find a house to live in and raise our baby but now we need to get ready and bring you to your house"

Hongjoong said and took out clothes for the two of them.

"Here, go take a shower" hongjoong took seonghwa to the bathroom but seonghwa stopped him and asked.

"together?" Hongjoong nodded but Seonghwa giggled.

"No, you wait outside. I want to take a bath myself. We are not married yet!" seonghwa get down and push hongjoong

Hongjoong clicked his tongue. "oh wait till we have, you don't even want to leave my side after what i will do to you.

Seonghwa winked and entered the bathroom.

♡ skip ♡

"is everything ready?" Hongjoong asked Wooyoung and the boy nodded.

"Let's go!" the three of them got into the hongjoong car when seonghwa set the location of his house on the hongjoong phone.

The trip was quiet with Wooyoung playing with his cellphone, HongJoong focused on the road and Seonghwa just stared at the window.

Seonghwa saw hongjoong. "Do you think woo will be good with my son?"

Hongjoong rubbed Seonghwa's back hair before returning to focus on the road.

"what's the ranking?"


Hongjoong's smile.

"nothing bad will happen they are in the same rank they will match each other. I promise you that."

Seonghwa nodded in believe at his soulmate.

He believes that Yeosang and Wooyoung will get to know and become good with each other and he wants that to be true.



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