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(i play ateez - take me home when write this and its not helping at all)

So the whole day, minsang only played with each other and playfully ignored yunho and Woo. And of course they are jealous.

Seongjoong already out for their jobs leaving Yungi with the babies.

Now they sit at bench while watching mingi and yeosang chasing each other.

" why don't they play with us?!" wooyoung sulking. Crossing his arm on his chest. Yunho had a cold expression on his face showing he was really mad.

Then he hears a tiny sob beside him. Yunho looked at Wooyoung beside him and saw the little omega starting to sobbing.

"ah~~ don't cry~" yunho pick wooyoung and carry them inside. Wooyoung look up from yunho's shoulder saw yeosang happily play with mingi make he let out a soft growl.

" how about you calling your friend for a hang out?" Wooyoung looked at the taller omega and nodded. Yunho put him down on the couch and gave him his phone.

Wooyoung feels lazy typing so he just call San right away.

" hello? Woo?"

" come here!"

" what love?"

"i need you now! Come here...."

" Okay wait, I will be there right away, love!"

Wooyoung put his phone down and looked at Yunho putting a box afornt him.

" Want to play some games?" yunho said, wooyoung look at the box and face yunho with a new smile and nod.

While yunho plug in the games wooyoung just sits at the couch waiting for San.

Then the two omega turn and look at the door as mingi and yeosang just step in with laugh and smile they give to each other.

" Oh what are you guys doing?" Mingi asked, but they just ignored him. Yeosang turn and walk to wooyoung. He peck from behind the couch. " woo want to play together?"

Wooyoung scoff make yeosang flinch. " why don't you leave me and play by your own because i can see you already have someone to play with!"

" Woo are you mad?'' Yeosang ask hearing some fear in his words. "i said go away!!'' Wooyoung shout, hurry yunho pick up wooyoung and mingi pick up yeosang away from wooyoung.

" Mingi take yeosang with you, leave us here" yunho said and the alpha can hear some disappointment in his talk. The alpha nod and bring yeosang to his room.

They sit in the middle of the room. Thinking.

" how about we do something for them like an apology gift?" yeosang say as mingi nod and they ready with their own gift.

Mingi decide to go to the kitchen and make lunch for them and yeosang want to make a card for wooyoung and a couple bracelets.

The two omega still try to plug in the games as yunho can't find manual paper. Wooyoung tried to look at some paper in the drawer and found what they needed.

" Yuyu! I think i found the manual!" yunho walk to wooyoung and sit front him and take the manual.

" yes this is the manual! But......." yunho look inside the manual and notice something odd.

" this is in Spanish! I don't don't know any hard Spanish except of 'agujero trasero' "

Wooyoung tilted his head " what it's that mean?" Yunho looked at Wooyoung and smirked. He took his phone and opened a translator app and typed something.

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