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"Hei it's fine, I know you want Mingi to take you from the airport, but hey chin up, he's on the way back from incheon" Seonghwa said looking at the two mother and child at the back.

After a year stay in the other country, Yunho thought about making a surprise for mingi with his unexpected comeback but the alpha is out of the town and the news just makes the alpha panic and on the way to meet him as Seonghwa be the one to pick him up.

"Hope you miss Mr. Parks cause we are going there, welcome back Yunho-ah" Yunho nod, patting the girl on the hip as she laid with her head on his laps, sleeping again after they come down from the flight.


They arrive at Mr. and Mrs. Park's new house. Near more to nature and far from the city, how would Mr. Parks go if he needed to work at the company? He wouldn't, he had retyre and the CEO seat had been given to Seonghwa.

If he had to do any paperwork he couldn't just do it from home. Seonghwa helps Yunho and little Gahyeon jump out from his car and get inside the house after greeting the Park's.

Now Gahyeon is playing with 1 years old Aarora, then one times, Aurora cry because her headband fall down and cover her eyes, and she was struggling to taking it off and Gahyeon not helping her but instead she also crying because she thought she is the one that done it to Aurora, even though she doing nothing.

Yunho just sat on the chair nervously waiting for his mate to come, then the door suddenly opened revealing the alpha he was waiting for. With wide open arm, mingi run to him while yelling. "BABY!!!"

Yunho stands up about to return into the alpha arm but instead the alpha runs past him, and when he looks back, the alpha actually go and scoop Gahyeon up and hug the little girl's life out of her.

"PAPA!!!" Mingi pulled up his head giving so many kisses to his long gone daughter.

"Eh Hem!" the two look at the furious omega, mingi look at gahyeon as the girl also having a scared face like her father. Mingi hold up a had of stop motion to him. "Don't mad!"

Yunho huffs and turns around and walks away sulking. They look at each other before Mingi drops down Gahyeon and the little girl pulls him near Yunho who is standing at the door.

After shoving him near enough the little girl ran to Aurora.

Mingi peaks up to his omega, Yunho having a tear on his cheek as he wipes it fastly. Mingi smiled and hugged his mate from the back with his arm wrapped around Yunho's waist and one hooked under his shoulder.

"Miss me baby?'' Yunho nodded eagerly. "So much that I want to choke you to dead" he said mad at the other.

"I can't smell your sadness hundreds of miles from here on the day your mother passed away. Don't you miss being with someone?" ming teased, he knows yunho sucks when it comes to hugging, warmth and comfrom.

"Don't you miss your alpha?" and Yunho turns his body and tackles him into a tight hug. "Miss you so much dummy!"


They all gather at seonghwa's parent house, and the reason for that is the birthday of 1 years old Aurora, which will be held there. Like in the movies, Aurora's birthday was themed open space and fairytale.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AURORA!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!" Everyone ended the singing part with applause, as the birthday girl also clapped happily. "Bang! Mama bang!" Aurora said to seonghwa as he and others understood and started to call for wooyoung.

"KIM-PARK WOOYOUNG WHERE ARE YOU!!" hongjoong yell into the house, since lately, the boy didn't come out said he was ready the present for his baby sister.

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