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Like everyday, Wooyoung will be drop off by Hongjoong, he will get into the building and walk through the hallways to his locker until another chick start to talking.

"Oh, we better go now, we don't want to be his next victim" he sighs, as he sees a small metal box inside his locker and takes it. When the girls are about to laugh again he brings it up and throws it almost directly to hit the blonde hair girl.

The mental box now lands it in a different shape and the wall now has a black scratch on it from his action. The girl gasps dramatically. "Did you... it almost hit me!"

Wooyoung walked to her in a way to pick up the mental box again. "You know it will be really cool if it really hits you in the face!" he smirks. "I'm your senior, a beta and you just an omega junior! Give some respect!". She yells at him.

"I don't care, but if you died after I broke your face, I might give you my last respect at your funeral. '' Wooyoung brought up the mental box about hitting her in the face if only the teacher were not disturbing.

"Kim Wooyoung! What do think you are doing" Wooyoung sigh annoyedly throw the box into a bin and walk away pass the teacher. The teacher look at the girl. "Detention"

Wooyoung got into his class and sat at the back of the class, trying to clear his mood he opened his book for the first subject. Then a ringing hearing. The speaker started to switch on as an announcement was being told.

"No Class for everyone at the first and second times of schedule, students are free to do anything as long as the students are not going out of the class. The teachers are having an important meeting. The class's monitor and the prefects please take care of your class. Thank you!"

Wooyoung signed many times today and shut his book and used it as a pillow.

"You said he was the one?" "yes! I heard he killed his own twin because thought his mate had been cheating on him with his twin which turned out to be not true at all!"

"He's such a jerk!" "I know , right? I heard his twin is actually with his mate so they could plan a big birthday party for him." "really?"

"Hei if you all are talking about him... i saw he about to broke one of our senior face with throw a mental box to her face!" "Oh my gard, is she okay?" "she okay but she got into detention"

"How can? It's should be him who got detention" "tch he supposed to be dead not his twin"

Wooyoung feel his breath got stuck make he hard to breath and his eyes are began to hotting. He wrapped his head with his hoodie cap and hid his head between his arms.

"I said I'm sorry...husk, are you forgiving me yet Sangie?"


As soon the bell of rest rang he immediately packed his stuff and ran out from the class.

He was on the way to the cafe until a wet liquid fell from his head. Every student at the cafe was laughing as the milk spilled down from his head.

Thanks he still have his hoodie caps on or his head will me wet by the milk. "Aww, are you going to cry little brat? But my mom said don't cry over spilled milk! HAHAHAHA"

Wooyoung turns around and walks away from those laughing voices he hears, not caring if he bumps over other students, someone pulls him. "Wooyoung!"

Wooyoung stopped and looked up to Kevin who had Jeongin behind him. "You are not my bestie!'' Wooyoung nods and tries not to break down in front of his friend. "My bestie is not a sad bitch! He is a bad bitch so dry your eyes! I don't want you to eat a wet Sandwich!"

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