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"sannie, i thought you wont come" Wooyoung held san's hand as they walked beside each other to Wooyoung taekwondo class. "I want to look at you, it's boring at home".

"san~" the one called look at him. "you know this is your last year in this school right?" san nod to his question. "have you think where should you apply next year?" "I don't know, I think I should just go to an ordinary school," san answered. Wooyoung held his hand. "you know you could apply to the better school right, maybe to art school or sport school" "do you think i will like to be there?"

"it's up to you san! It's your life, i'm not going to control your life" they arrive Wooyoung was about to push the door open but san hold the knob first not let him in. "little did you know, you are my world" "san~" Wooyoung push away san's arm from his way before get into the gym.

San just follow Wooyoung to the changing room. "are you not believe me?" Wooyoung put his bag into his locker. "you are sick san~ you get too emotional when you sick" Wooyoung take out his uniform first before shut the locker and start to take off his shirt. San turn back to facing the wall.

"you do not believe me" san whine. Wooyoung did wear his uniform before taking his white belt and walking to San, hugging him from behind. "I believe you, but the choice you make just because you want to be close with me and not chasing your dream is kinda making me feel like a bad mate" "i dont care!"

"there's a time when you should push out other opinions and start to listen to yourself" Wooyoung advice silently put the belt to your hand. "be what you want" san nod. "you sound like Yeosang and your mother" San turned around and tied the belt to his waist.

"I'm not a good person at the pass nor right now but I'm still confused about how I can get a precious mate like you for the rest of my life" san confessed. "So you regret?!" san got shook. "okay then i will go change my mate then bye!" Wooyoung leaves and he froze inside the changing room.

"Hei!, I didn't mean that!"


The next day, everything just follow all their routine. The twin already inside the their own class, just in few minute more the class will start but they still put their head on the table, snoring softly. Jeongin who sit beside Yeosang just pass his look to the person who is Wooyoung's desk mate, Kevin.

"why are you two sleeping at this hour? Class almost start wake up!" Yeosang start to wake up slowly but Wooyoung still in his deep slumber. "it's rare to see you two sleeping at school" Jeongin add looking at the two twin worrily.

Usually Yeosang will get busy with his sketchbook while Wooyoung will talk non stop until the teacher comes. Not today the twins did nothing but sleep. "this is sus, what did you guys do last night?" "Wooyoung throw tantrum for the whole night because his tooth moving" Yeosang explain.

Kevin nodded before hitting Wooyoung with his math textbook. "Wake up! Just because your tooth aches doesn't mean you can make other people suffer with you! Now wake up before I tell tacher!" just as he said that the teacher came in.

"Okay class! today, I can't teach you guys because we are having an emergency meeting, but will Soobin come and give you all a module as the task for this week understand? Jihoon take care of class okay?" jihoon as the class monitor nods understanding. Then the teacher leaves the class and makes the two twins put their head back on the table and continue their previous slumber.

For a few minutes, Soobin comes with Yeonjun carrying a big box full of paper from their modul like it's nothing. Jihon hurried to Soobin and took their modul before passing it to his classmate. Soobin was about to go to the next class before saw the twin sleeping. He told Yeonjun to go first when he got into the class.

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