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2 month already pass and in 2 month things unusually happen to the small family,

"Aaron! Open the door!" The boy wakes up from his out zoning and runs to the door, once he opens it the same view he will get everyday.

Yubin carries the limping Mono into the house and throws the taller boy to the couch. The scent in that house feels with stress and an uneasy aura flying around the atmosfera of the house.

"I'm don't understand, how can he be like this for everyday!?" Yubin takes the medical kit and threatens Mono with a new bruise. " He won't speak, I will always find him at the school field full of bruises".

"Have you tried going to his house?" Mono shakes his head and whines a little. "If you want me to die soon I can do it, once you step into the house you can't ever leave the house. Black master will make you sit with him forever"

"Go take him something to drink and eat" she shuh him with her hand. Aaron nods and goes to the kitchen to take some food from the storage.


"You need to sleep '' Aaron looked at the door. Yubin standing while leading at the door. "I don't feel like having one"

"Well enjoy your night" she shut the door. And Aaron gets back to his zone while staring out of the window. He never got to sleep without having a nightmare or sometimes panic attack.

He got sick of it, sometimes he hoped he wouldn't need to sleep for years so he wouldn't have nightmares. All he dreams is a stranger that follows him around, pulling him to somewhere he has never been. And somehow the stranger pushed him to the edge, let him fall from the cliff and sometimes into the depths of the lake's floor.

Now he spends all his night staring at anything he finds a little interesting. Stay up until the morning and probably get a few hours of sleep in the afternoon. He swears sleep has been his most hated thing he ever does if it is not because of those nightmares that don't seem to stop.

*THUN!!* Aaron looks to his door when a loud noise can be heard from outside of his room.

He look at the clock at his night stand. 2 A.M. did his father back at this times?. Aaron got under his cover and pretended to sleep.

*click* ... *thun* Aaron wakes up and sits on his bed. Guess his father really came back at this hour.

Aaron gets back to where he sits and goes back to zoning out.

*brugh!* another noise. "What is appa doing?" Aaron tried not thinking so much.

"What have you done to it?!"

Aaron slowly gets down from his bed and gets out of his room and walks slowly to Yubin's opened room.

He peek inside the room throughout the space between the doors. His father stands in front him, back facing him, looking at Yubin who wears a... dress? Yubin never wears a dress, less the long one.

Now she is standing mute herself infront their father. 'Why is Appa so angry?'

"What did you do to her clothes!" "i just want to try it" "no take it off!!" "mother leave it for us!"

"Not for you! Nothing she left was for you! Don't think she will leave you a thing, did you remember what you have done? Now take it off and put it back to where you found it!"

Aaron hurriedly ran back to his room and shut the door. Another noise of the door slamming was here, he got to his bed and flopped down.

"Why appa so angry? Noona just tried the dress on her, it's an omma dress? Well omma seem to be very short.. Hehet"

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