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" Baby wake up~" Mingi cares his mate's hair.

" nwo~~ it's still too early! Why are you already awake?'' Yunho mumbled in his sleep.

" I'm sorry baby..."

Yunho frowned his eyebrow, as he suddenly felt cold. " min min? "

Yunho opens his eyes to find the alpha but instead he just faces a quiet room and no one in that room beside himself.

Yunho sits and looks around, ' where did he go? ' Yunho wakes up from the bed and goes to the bedroom and opens the door, no one.

He then walks out the room and looks at the hallways, it's no one except a maid dusting off a vase.

He steps out of the room and walks down the stairs to the living room. Last step from the stair his feet touch with a marble floor, cold.

" M-mingi? ''Yunho walked to the dinner room, no one. Usually if mingi wakes up first he either cooks their breakfast or has his morning coffee in the garden.

Garden! Yunho hurriedly walked to the living room and opened the glass door to the garden and walked out.

No one.

It was very cold, maybe because it was still too early and he didn't have a slipper and proper clothes.

He just has a mingi baggy work shirt and a boxer plus bare feet.

" mingi~~ where are you! " he felt like crying until someone called his name.

" Yunho? ''Yunho turned to face that someone ' mingi?'

" darling what are you doing out here, it's cold and you are wearing this!" a 50'an woman walked to him and pulled his hand to walk inside.

" Eomma, w-where is M-mingi? ''Yunho asked as his eyes still didn't move from where the garden was.

She makes Yunho sit and takes a blanket and wraps it around Yunho before kneeling afornt him.

She brushes yunho messy hair and strokes his cheek lovingly, " yunho did you forget? Mingi still in coma darling "


Yunho let out a dry chuckle, as he tried to hold his tears with a fake smile.

" I forgot it again, right?"

" I'm going to my room " yunho runs to his room and locks the door, he runs to the bathroom and takes a shower.

Once he was done he stepped out and chose his outfit. He feel lazy today so he just pick out another of mingi baggy shirt and a sweat pant

Then he walked to the mirror to check his clothes and one thing caught his eyes, two dark bruises on his neck.

If your mate its dying or getting hurt, the mate mark will be itchy or the worst is getting burse,

But it's your mate died or didn't accept you, you will feel a burning mark on your neck or mark and you will become mateless or also die, because your mate is the only one in the world. Mate, it's precious.

Yunho takes some bandages and places them on the brush marks. And walk out.

It has already been a week since the day of the accident. They brought mingi's half living body back to Korean and to the hospital hongjoong work at.

If it has been a week and mingi is still playing on his mind, he decides to live with mingi's family for now as he takes over mingi position.

Now he knows the CEO position is not easy, he even passed out a few times for lack of sleep and food in his system.

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