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"Min min!!" Mingi turn around and crouch when the little omega run to his arm. "miss you!!" Yeosang confess wrap his arm around his neck and hug him tight.

"I miss you too little prince, but will you be good right when I'm gone?" earning a nod from the little, he kissed the top of his head. "better hurry we don't want the prince to be late for his school right?"

"but after school can we spend time with min min mummy?" Yeosang look back to Seonghwa who holding his bag. "baby, Mingi is busy with Yunho and his work you can't disturb him right? By the way Mingi also needs time to rest too" Seonghwa said but only make Yeosang whine and don't want to let go of his hug but tighter it's more.

"Haha, okay prince, you can '' Mingi, sure him "you don't need to Mingi shii, I don't want him to disturb your resting time, ''Seonghwa said but Mingi shook his head. "no, im fine also i have to go somewhere so maybe i won't be alone there, Wooyoung can join us too if he want"

"i dont want i have taekwondo class" Wooyoung said padding his bag before get in ready position with both his arm forming a fist up to his chest "AAARRP!!" he cheer. "okay come on you little fighter, do you want to daddy send you or you want to go with your mountain friend?" Hongjoong open the car door looking at them.

"WITH DADDY!!! Sannie can't come because he said he is sick! I saw his nose is red like mummy's strawberry!" Wooyoung said before running and get inside the car. "okay prince i'll pick you up after school now go!" Yeosang get his bag from Seonghwa but come back to him.

Mingi look down to the omega confusedly. "angel's kiss?" He smiled, bent down and kissed him between the eyebrows and eyes, then let the little omega run and got into the car. "bye bye minmin! Mummy!" Yeosang said before Hongjoong closed the door and get into the driver seat and start the engine and leave the the house.

"Hey, how is Yunho? Guess he dont to picky with his food when he with you, he does it a lot before when you are not wake up yet" Seonghwa complain, Mingi just shake his head. "he fine, everything stabile for now but i need to make it sure"

"what's wrong? You don't need to get sick again you know ''''I know I just had some requests to do ''.


"thank you Mr. Song for coming, it's was a very big pleasure to having you here" "i told you to not be to formal to me Mr. Woo, you are older than me, i just came here to say congrats for getting this position" Mingi sit politely at the chair facing the school's new headmaster after the old one has retired.

"You got the face of your mother but having the same aura of your father, it's been a while since I met all your family. How are you hyung? As i remember i meet him last year hen he are operation at japan and i have to bring school trip there"

"Bobby hyung? He finds he still has a few months before he can finally finish his job in japan, he is getting a child very soon" Mingi said and the older clap him excitedly. "i told him to get married early so then you probably having lot of nephew and niece right now, guess some piece of him still not grow up even after we graduate"

"We all know Hyung and his stubbornness. I remember how he had argued with my mother when she asked when he is getting a partner, but the problem is he doesn't believe there's a mate for him. But i'm happy he found someone for himself." they nod

"are there anything more as the reason you come here Mr. Song?" "well i supposed to come and pick my little angel" "oh the Kim twin?" Mingi nod. "just Yeosang, we are going somewhere after this" as he said that the school bell rangs.

"oh the kids are out, better you pick him up in a hurry before they pick you up" Mingi is a little bit not understanding with the older statement but he shrugged it off and bowed before stepping out from the fancy room. He looked at the hallways. The students are running to the exit door and can't wait.

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