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"huh, huh, huh!"

"tik, tik, tik"

The Seongjoong pair now at the living room, now is 7 am they already busy with their own thing. The alpha is exercising while the omega just scrolling the Sosial media in his phone while laid at the sofa.

"aren't you said you are going to join me do morning exercise?" he asks to his wife but the other just humming slowly and put down his phone. "I don't think so I already have a strong chocolate on my tummy" while the alpha stops his exercise and looking his wife with teasing face.

"Ah, really? Mind if I take a look?" then the alpha near his mate and tickle the others tummy. The omega couldn't help but let out a laugh and giggling when his mate is tickling his side which his sensitive part.

The mates are having uwu moment by the self-need to be stop as a loud screaming are hearing from the upstairs. They both look at each other than hear wooyoung and yeosang are running down the stair while giggling.

"Mummy! Daddy! Zombie is coming!" yeosang scream and hide behind the sofa. then yunho coming down with his condition is far from word normal. His hair was tie from every side and not forget of his face are think with make up that look like they are being smudge up together make them laugh at the poor tall omega.

They are laughing so hard until their tummy gets sore and seonghwa accidentally kick hongjoong off the sofa, the other are wines of pain at first when his butt are having a sudden contact with the hard floor before laugh again when he see at yunho face again.

"don't laugh!" the pregnant omega pout and stomp his feet to the ground. He looks at the cunning twins. "I hate you guys!" seonghwa wipe his tearing eyes. "We love you too yunho ah!" he said but as he look again at yunho face he laugh again but harder.

They are laughing like crazy until they hear a small sniff. They stop laughing and look at yunho. The pregnant omega shoulder is shaking as his hand clutching his front shirt.

"yunho, we didn't mean to laugh at you" seonghwa face turn to worries he wake up from the sofa and near him but before he got closer yunho step back. "I want Mingi!" he run back to the upstairs.

"you two better got something to explain, go take a bath now!" seonghwa mother mode on make the twin nod , as get that small reply seonghwa hurry follow after yunho.


"I don't want you Hyung I want my Mingi!" yunho insists with his word. Seonghwa just finish cleaning up yunho so there no more make up on his face but now he refuse to wear his clothes and now hiding under the sheet with only white robe to wrap his naked body.

Seonghwa, sign he sit at the edge of the bed lift up the sheet showing of the other butt. "Yunho!" he slap his butt pretty hard make yunho rise his head look at him with upset face.

"I said I don't want! why can you understand" yunho sit up straight "I said I want Mingi and I WANT MY MINGI!" yunho slap his hand to the sheet as he said the few last word.

"Yunho Mingi is not here right now he sleeping and you remember it right?" seonghwa take the change to put the towel on his head and start to dry his hair. While that the other just pouting.

Seonghwa chuckle at the other face make yunho look at him with annoyed expression "why you are laughing! Am I still ugly?" he touches his own face pinching his own cheek make seonghwa smile grow bigger. He cups the younger face "no, I'm not laugh because you ugly but I'm thinking how lucky Mingi to have a very cute and adorable mate like you, he must be missing you"

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