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"Yeosang! Yeosang ! Yeosang!" the one called stop his walk and look and saw his classmate who panting and holding to the wall try to manage his breath.

"What's wrong Ren?" The boy stood up and gave a card to him. "Here, I have got the membership card you want now you need to come with me to the gym now!" Yeosang smiled, took the card and put it into his pocket.

"thank you Ren, but I need to put my book back in my locker. We can get some drinks together on the way there" they both agreed and went to Yeosang locker.

"hei i want to ask"


"What do you feel like living on the same roof with an annoying person?" Yeosang brought down his drink looking at Ren confusedly. "who?"

"your twin of course, Wooyou-"

"hei Sang can i have some?" out of nowhere Wooyoung come from Yeosang back and take a sip of his drink and run away through the hallways.

"look! Can you see how annoying he is!" Yeosang giggles a little. "well before i could just care less about it, i love see he being so enjoyable with his life"

"Then how bout yours?" "sorry what?" Ren shook his head and said nothing.

"Come on, I want to see their practice!!" Ren pulls his hand and they run all the way to the gym where the basketball team is doing their practice.

"Argh look at their faces, so handsome!! I hear that the senior is looking for a partner for the prom, I hope he chose me!!" Ren couldn't just stop squeaking and giggling every time the basket team captain ran past them.

Yeosang just sits quietly on his seat, instead of the game he opens his sketchbook and continues to finish his drawing of wooSan.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Yeosang didn't hear someone is yelling at him. "Yeosang!!" he finally look up and saw a basketball was landing troward him.

"bugh!" Yeosang raised his hand to protect his head but he just heard but didn't feel the pain come to him.

"Well you could get into a big problem pretty~" Yeosang looked up and only saw the chest of someone. "hei, up here!" Yeosang lifted his head and saw the person who was basically towering over him.

"thank you?" "Yeosang!!" Then Wooyoung come and put the boy a side make him fall on his butt while woo hugging Yeosang tight.

"you okay? Everything is fine right?'''' Of course he's fine, I'll save him!" Wooyoung let go of the hug and looked at his senior.

Lee Jinwoo. The basketball team captain. Wooyoung just shows his smirk and pushes him by the shoulder.

"You don't save him, you try to hurt him. Don't think I don't know what your plan is, '' Wooyoung said pull Yeosang hand to the exit door. "I'm your senior!" Jinwoo yells at him but Wooyoung just after showing the middle finger to him.


"woo what are you doing?!" Yeosang tries to break free but Wooyoung tightens his grip on his wrist.

"Take you away from that bastard of course" Yeosang shook his head in disagreement. "he help me woo!" Without realizing he grip tighter, Yeosang hissed.

"woo it's hurt!" Wooyoung clicks his tongue. "Can you at least say thank you! I will save you from him!"

"but your way is wrong!" Wooyoung got pissed when Yeosang keep wiggle him hand so he let go his grip and push Yeosang to the wall.

"I try to make sure that your ass wont get into trouble and now you are saying that I am wrong?" he poked his finger to Yeosang's shoulder.

"young-ah! Yeosang-ie!'' They both look at the person who is calling their name. San walked to them. "I tried to look at you two in your class but here you are '' San stood beside Wooyoung.

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