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"Big news for today, at 26 November 10.23 p.m. a boy has been kidnaped that is also confirmed to be planned. The victim is known to be none other than one of the sons of Park Seonghwa that hold place as the next person on the BlueLadder CEO's Chair and Kim Hongjoong a chief surgeon part of the Seoul's hospital.

The police have been trying everything to pin his location but nothing has been found yet.

To be more shocking, the Song's comparison also had been broken an hour before the kidnaped happened, the things that went missing are not allowed to be discussed by the CEO, Song Mingi.

The next news to be discussed, an unexpected accident happens when the only orphans at incheon have been burned, lucky the children are in the school and the yourger get to be alive even before the burn could worsen.

Those children now are staying at the village halls, and soon will be moved into the new home at Daegu with Song's Comparison to help build the new and better place.

Next we will move to sports,..."*twit*

San shut off the television and put the remote back to the table. Take a seat beside Wooyoung.

4 days had passed, Yeosang was nowhere to be found. "Hei, let's go out for a moment, you can't stay in here forever" Wooyoung moved and laid on San's lap. "I can't, what if they found Yeosang or Yeosang found his way home but i'm not here to welcome him?"

"Hmm.... but I'm sure he doesn't want you too trapping yourself here and making yourself look like a living skeleton, you plae! You need some sunlight."

San unwrapped the thick blanket from his body and took his hand and pulled him out to the back yard, pulling him again to sit on the grass.

"It's supposed to be me." San looked at Wooyoung when he suddenly spoke out. "Huh?" "They are supposed to take me, not Yeosang. I have done so many bad things and they take him make my guilty grow 5 times bigger, i wish they take me not him"

San brings Wooyoung into a hug. Wooyoung lost himself, the energetic Wooyoung had changed to a bad mood Wooyoung. A cheerful Wooyoung had changed to a lifeless Wooyoung.

People make someone change, he can't doubt that. Yeosang means everything for him, but his misunderstanding and a high ego makes him do something that now is eating him back.

"Karma love Yeosang so much" Wooyoung laugh, but his laugh sound so death.

"Yeosang is so stupid! He should have been defending himself and yelling at me, he should have learned to grow mad at someone at least once."

"You keep getting those negative thoughts inside you, you should have control of it" Wooyoung stands up. "As you should have know, Yeosang is the one that keep me Sane all this time, we are one"

Woooung walked inside.


A week after the kidnaped, finally the police found something and they hurried to the police centre.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong sit calmly waiting at the office table while Wooyoung and San sit behind at the wall.

The chief officer came in and sat at his place and put a brown file on it.

"We have good news and very bad news, but I will start with the good one, we have found him and the van."

"REALLY?" Seonghwa and Wooyoung sync stand up at the same time, "you found him? Where is he?" Wooyoung asked as he was pulling back to his seat.

"And that, we are going to talk about the bad news, we found the van have the exact same number plate with one you saw, the van was found at the gate of incheon, the van are actually never leave the seoul at first, the van... got into a serious accident"

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