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"Aaron! Are you awake?" Yubin opens the door of Aaron's room, but when she looks in, no one is inside it.

"Aaron?" She went to the living room, but he was not there. "Aaron, have you woken up already?" She got to the kitchen but there was only one one there except for the kitchen's back door. She got to the door and peek outside.

(not the regular one but this swing uses a long bench that can fit 2-3 people in it okay?)

Aaron laid on the swing, in front of him hanging a canvas, "Aaron? Are you not sleeping?" the boy sat up when Yubin called him, the girl walked near him and sat beside him on the swing.

Looking at the painting. "Why aren't you sleep?" "i want to stop taking pills for a while, my throat hurts so much" "also your everyday pills?"

Aaron nods, Yubin looks at the painting and scans every detail Aaron put on his painting. "Do you feel weird?" "a little, I kinda zone out very often. So i spend my whole night painting this, sorry i waste so much candle and oils''

She looked around, two oil lamps hung on each side of the swing and about 5 melted candles in the plate he put on a little table along with his painting stuff. "Tell me what did you paint?"

"When I zone out I see a view of a child, a child at the purple field, it's a girl, running around under the dark sky painted with beautiful light above her. So I want to paint her."

Yubin saw the little girl Aaron paint, "where is her face?" she touched her finger tip on the child's flat empty face. "I can't see her face, like she was not ready to show herself to the world, so i just make it like that, when i finally saw her, i will finish this painting"

Yubin led her back to the bench and pulled Aaron to lay his head on her shoulder. "Aaron i want to tell you something" "i-"

"You hate me?" Yubin smiled "i don't hate you, where did you got that ideas?" Aaron played with his finger. "I saw how appa treat you differently when with me, i just don't want noona to hate me"

"I never hate you Aaron, i hate what he done to you, i even hate myself for not stopping him, but black master have another plan for him"

"What job did he do noona?" "appa? A doctor, That it's what he said, i never truly know"

"Did you hate oppa noona?'' She nodded "so much, he blamed me for doing the thing he made me too, twist the story and make the other as the bad guy. And that is why I'm going to tell you this."

"No matter what, defend yourself. If you feel what you did is wrong, then stop. If you feel this person is bad for you then leave them. If you feel you are in danger with this person, end them"

"No matter what, save yourself. This may sound so selfish but trust me, if you still stay back here, no one can help you except yourself. If I give you a bowl mix with salt and sugar, it will be impossible for you to separate them. Because like people, they all look the same, a good person can be bad. The one that looks bad can actually be the good one. So behave."

Yubin holds Aaron's hand. "But whatever, just like i promise myself, i will take you out, out from here"

"To where?" They both flinch and turn to face Mr. Kang at the door. "Where do you want to take him?"

"Out from here, where those guys you work with can't find us, find us all. So we all can live like normal people, '' Yubin said calmly. "As we all know, you are not even normal" Mr. Kang spit back.

Mr. Kang leaves them and gets back inside. Yubin left out a sigh. "Why noona name is Yubin?" Aaron asks excitedly. "That's the name mama gave to me, appa named me Six. what a stupid named"

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