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Wooyoung eat his food silently, after this they will start their mission. He nervous, what if Yeosang is actually in hurt, in dangerous because of that he send messages to them asking for help.

But he don't know where his twin is. What if he is never be too far from him, never actually be gone from his life. All his moves just waste time when he is literally going to find him again.

But what if Yeosang is actually gone, i mean dead? And the one they speak with is just his trapped soul, or it's just another stupid spirit that just want to use them to help it instead.

He is going to do it anyway, if it's true Yeosang then he will try everything to help him. If it's just another spirit, of his own imagination, then he will probably shut himself from everything after this. He will move on.

"Hei~ don't worry, we 're all here for you," San said, carrying his head. Wooyoung nod, they're right, he's not alone.

at 12 p.m. they gathered in his room, outside it was raining hard, giving chills to each of them.

Aurora would probably be clingy to him because afraid of the sound of raining and thunder.

Wooyoung laid on his bed, the others read with their things, Taehyun with his cameras, Kevin with his phone, Yeonjun stretching himself, too. San sits beside him and cares about his thumb on his hand.

"Ready? Or do I need to get you more stressed?" Wooyoung shake his head, "i'm stress enough, thank you"

Wooyoung closed his eyes and it started.


Mr. Kang helps Aaron get into their new place to stay, and opens the door. The house had no one taking care of it but everything is the same since like last he left this place but a little more dusty.

The small couch in the living room is really full of dust. You can see how dull it looks. Spider's web in every corner of the walls. No TV or any gadgets are hanging or placed around the house because he never buys one for the house you live in for a few years.

He bring Aaron into one of the room there, inside there just a frame of the bed without the beds and pillow, he put the boy on a chair and open the clothes, and taking out a foldable bed and put in on it's frame, slap the dust off a it and take the pillows after and put it nicely on top.

Aaron didn't want to say or even react to anything, he had seen the cruelty of the world. He had lost the people he care the most, now he got nothing but his father and the secret he hiding behind.

He had fought for his right, he just wanted to lay and cry as much as I wanted until he fainted.

Mr. Kang came back with a towel and a small plastic bowl, and used it to clean his face.

"Don't think it's your fault, it's my fault," Mr. Kang said. "It's all my fault to be so stupid even when your mom is still alive, i love her so much that i want to end her pain. But she thinks I want to end you...

All I did just to end your pain, you don't know how mad I am when those people are hurting you and you are not defending yourself. And after the accident, Yubin and I think this is the second chance to fix everything. Want to bring a new breath to your life. She have done so many bad things because she can't help to and i never try to stop the dangerous thing i had don't"

"I don't understand," he said blankly. "No need to understand, I just want to let all go and at least be truthful with you, and tell you before those days that I'm sorry. Then no more cry, you will have to move on. She won't like it"

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