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" Doctor Lee !" the one called look at him. Hongjoong near the doctor with hopeful expression. "how is Mingi?"

"I'm sorry but we lost him".....

Hongjoong froze, he looked at Yunho. The fainted omega laid at the chair with his head on Mrs. Song's laps and Seonghwa led at the chair with eyes closed. He gets to his mate and kneels in front of him. "bae?" he called but the mate just started to cry. "Mingi- hisk, hiks" Seonghwa cried out.

'doctor! Doctor Kim!' a voice came out from his walkie talkie. He answered, "Everything is fine?"

'no! The patient starts to breathe uncontrollably!' Hongjoong put back the walkie talkie to his pocket and cup Seonghwa face.

"Take care of Yunho, I'll come back" Seonghwa nods as he kisses Seonghwa's forehead before running back to the ground floor. He pushed the door open. He saw the male nurse cover the boy with white blanket.

"what happen?" everyone has a sympathy expression in their face. "his heart suddenly stop" "THEN BRING HIM BACK!" he shout make all in that room gone silent. "we try but no respond!" Hongjoong crouch down feel exhausted. "im sorry record the death make sure to find his family, thank you..."

But even before the other could answer Hongjoong has walk out from the surgery room. Hongjoong walk through the hallways with slow step and hand support his body by the wall.

In the quiet hallways, the mess situation has been walked away. He fall himself to the floor and his back laid at the wall. Hongjoong wrap his arm on his knee. He fail again.

'hiks.....god please save them'


"uummhh!" Yunho opens his eyes, he looks around. It's no more hospital white walls and cold from A/C he starts to recognize the room.

'wait what?' Yunho sit up look around confusedly, this is not seongjoong room he stay before. Yunho look at his clothes. It's changed. He take a smell of his own shirt. Wait the minute he know this scent.

"ginie?" he called out. "yes?" the AI robot answering him. "where am i" 'ting!' "You are the Song's resident. And for more information you and your mate MR. Song are calling this house as 'earth paradise'" " oh!...thank you"

Yunho step off from the bed, this is his and Mingi mansion, just theirs. But he leave this place for so long why he come back. "ginie! Who got me back?" he ask to the robot. 'ting' "i'm sorry i don't have an answer or that question because the cctv were off and the door possibly opens manually so i can't recognize the hand print security. "

"any notification?" 'ting' "one from the contact 'Bobby hyung ''' Yunho hurriedly took his phone and opened the chat box.


<Hei pup i hope you feel better after last night

<not me bring you back but you will know it later.

<He must been home right now,

<said to him i said welcome back

<And I'm sorry.

"What did he say?" Yunho frown his eyebrows

'ting' "said what?"

"im not talking to you"

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