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"Noona! Where are you going?"

Yubin stops her walk and looks back to Aaron, who was wearing his slippers and runs to her. " to market, nothing left to cook tonight"

"Can i come?" "no" Yubin leaves him , but the boy just follows her behind. "I said no" "i said yes"

She sighs, "just hold to me" Aaron nods, holding to the little basket she holds with.


They arrived at the market, they were both standing at the entrance, most at the start of the alley usually stood a stall of light food, behind it was a stall where they sell things like clothes and life equipment, a little bit more behind was where they sell wet food like meat, fish and other seafood.

In a one wide and long alley they used to be a center of the market in this small city.

They got some vegetables and brought a fish and meat and a box of eggs. Yubin gave the money to the seller waiting for the other to give back the change and put everything inside a plastic bag.

Aaron looked around and his eyes caught a dark alley behind them. Thought this is the end of the market? What do they sell there?

His hold to the basket are loose as his body was moving itself far from Yubin who still waiting for the seller. Aaron saw how people walk out from the all while wearing a black mask for their whole face with different designs on it.

'Does they sell masks inside there?' Aaron let go of the hold and walked to the alley, looking around. The alley had a roof as it covered its zinc and some types of waterproof-black fabric made the alley look a little darker.

The only light was from the oil lamp on each stall but not enough bright to light the whole alley. He walked further into the alley looking at weird and odd things people selling there, from the stall full of bottles of drinks to cooked insects being put on a stick.

He saw how the seller took one and put it inside his mouth and ate it disgustingfully. He scrunched his nose.

"Hei kid!" someone whispering at him. He looked at someone, a man wearing a long black coat, a mask and a hat. He approached the man.

"Hei mister you call me?" the man look suspicious, "are you alone?'' The man's smelly breath can be smelled from where he stands. "Err... no. come with my noona '' he pointed to where he came in but the being pulled made him go to another dark and smaller alley.

"Hei let go!!" Aaron turned his hand to try to get off from the man's grip. "You should come here alone boy, now you will have a much more exciting life inside here" "no let go!!!"

The man opens the door of his car, throws him inside. Aaron wakes up and knocks on the door. "Let me go!!!" he couldn't climb to the front seat when there was a wall between them. The man got into the driver seat.

"Where did you take me!!" the man grinned widely "I will sell you to the slaughter house, with a body like you will make me lots of money!!"

He tries to knock the door open and tries to get out of the car but too late, the window is too hard for him to just punch it. The door on both sides is locked, no where to get out. The man had started the engine and moved the car.

"No let me out!!! I don't want to go!!" "Too bad, you come with me" the man said to him, looking back at him to check him out. At this state he was at the edge of crying, regretting to not listen and hold to Yubin always or not he will not be here right now.

"Noona, help me~" the man smirk at his work, but when he look to in front he saw a figured at the middle of his way. "What the hell?" he pushed the home button, told the fingered to get away from his way.

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