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It takes Seonghwa 3-4 month to recover fully from the labouring surgery, and about Wooyoung, sometimes you will be odd to how nice he acts around people, especially around his friend.

No more rude and bad boy Wooyoung but now left a sweet yet caring boy Kim-Park Wooyoung. He really changed, the reason is because he is having a little sister to be taken care of and second is the bad side of him has been taken away with his long gone twin.

Losing someone is supposed to make you a better person to someone you are going to have in the future.

Aurora in this story is just the same as Aurora in the movies. The girl grows to be loved by everyone around her, grows to be the sweetest and most beautiful girl ever to exist in that town. His Aurora, their little princess.

He got back to his old habit, taking pills.

Today his head just feels so heavy and all he has to do is sleep. He wakes up from his bed with a heavy head and blurry eyes, walking slowly to take his pills at the kitchen table.

The old one has run out and Mr. Kang said he had bought it before got to work not so long ago.

He used the wall for supporters as he entered the kitchen, his head hurt worse as he took off his hand from the wall to hold his head but the result was that he knocked the table and almost made it fall over.

*puk!*something fell from the table but he was in pain to hear that. He touches the table on its surface to try to find his pills. "Argh!" he walk more to the sink's counter

Taking anything that looks like his sleeping pills bottle, bright yellow. With misty eyes he tried to scan every bottle he found. He can't ask anyone to help him. Mr. Kang is working with Yubin at her school. He was home alone.

He got it, the bright yellow bottle of pills he tried to read, "sheep? Oh! Sleep!" He opens the tap and takes 1 pill and swallows it dry, goes to one of the drawers under the sink and takes his everyday pills, swallows it and shuts the drawer back.

Limping toward his room but even before he got to his bed, his body was pulled down by the gravity and his vision turned black.

"Who is the good girl?" He rubs his nose with the baby, making her giggle, but then the baby starts to let out a small cough. Seonghwa, who was lying beside them, started to worry.

"Wooyoung-ah can you go take a water bottle for her?" Wooyoung not to get out of the Aurora room and to the kitchen, take the bottle with plain water in it before warming it a little with the warmer little machine, and wait.

Somehow, his head is getting really heavy right now. "Oh my gard what is now?"

He takes the bottle off from the machine and brings it upstairs. In every stair he climbs he feels something inside him about to explode out from his stomach. He keeps holding back himself and brings the bottle to his little sister.

"Here" the way Wooyoung gives the bottle to Seonghwa makes the older know something is not right. "Wooyoung-ah are you alright honey?"

"Yes, just dizzy, '' Wooyoung said but he kept walking around, feeling hot so suddenly grew inside his chest. He felt a thick liquor climb up his throat, he shut his mouth with his hand as he ran to the bathroom in that room.

Open the toilet closer and get his head into the bowl throwing out everything inside his stomach. Seonghwa put down the bottle from the girl teethless mouth and chased his son.

Seeing that scene, Seonghwa hurried to take a towel near him. "Hei it's fine, let everything out, don't hold it back." Seonghwa put the towel on his mouth and flushed the toilet, letting the boy wipe his own mouth.

"Why did you say you are fine when you are this sick?" Seonghwa said, shaking his head, and laid his head on Seonghwa's chest. "It come so sudden"

"HUEEEEEEEE!!" the shock at sudden noise, "Aura is crying, come on let's get you into your room"

Seonghwa lift Wooyoung body, let the boy stable himself before guide him out from the bathroom,

Seonghwa leaves Wooyoung by himself to go and get Aurora but as soon Seonghwa gets her clam down in his arm, Wooyoung suddenly collapses to the floor with a loud thun. Seonghwa got panic as he take his phone and call emergency hospital.

"IF I SAW YOU THERE SHOOTING SOMEONE WITHOUT THINKING, I WILL END YOU KANG YUBIN!!!!" Mr. Kang throws the beat up girl into the house, gets her back and crashes over the couch but not too hard.

"Whatever" she mocked, bringing herself up and walking to her room. Mr. Kang got to the kitchen to take a glass of drink but then he notice something on the sink's counter get near to it and take the small bottle, reading the labels

"Pentobarbital" he muttered and then his eyes caught something on the floor, another bottle of pills, he read the label on it. "Sleeping pills"

His knit his eyes brow how can the one he hides are outside on the counter while the one he puts outside is on the ground.

"YEOSANG!!!" hearing the yell he hurried to Aaron's room, found Yubin holding Aaron unconscious at the floor. She turn his body showing the boy having water and white bubble out from his mouth.

Looking at it he ran back to the kitchen. "YAH OLD MAN!! WHERE DID YOU GO!!"

Yubin was trying so hard to get Aaron on the bed. While Mr. Kang takes the first bottle and pour all the pills on the counter, he counts it all. "19? No, it's 20!!" He took the sleeping pill and poured it all out. "20!"

He got to the drawer and took Aaron pills and poured it all out. He renewed the pills 3 days ago so the pills are supposed to be 17 and when he counts "17..."

He ran to the top shelf and took the bag of water and a needle, taking his bag with him and ran back to the room.

"What are you doing!!! Let's get him to the hospital!!" "can't, too dangerous, they will catch me!" Yubin groans, holding up the bag of water and hangs it on the headboard as Mr. Kang gets the needle into Aaron's arm.

"You motherfucker is selfish!! IT'S WONT WORK!!! YOU WILL LOSE HIM IF WE DON'T TAKE HIM TO HOSPITAL!!" she yelled at him, hitting his back. See like she got no act back she got the house phone and about to call the hospital in an emergency.

"What? No!" Mr. Kang takes a syringe from his back and sucks in liquor from a bottle and brings it out to Yubin.

"Yes, i want an emergency action to- hei!" he looked at Mr. Kang who just cut the phone wire with a scissor, and before she could even move a syringe being attached to her neck.

" i won't let you take him from me" she glared at him "you bastard!! He doesn't deserve a monster like you!!" Mr. Kang smirks as she falls down to her knees holding to where he pokes her.

"I will send you to them later, i got a son to take care of" he walked leaving her limping on the floor. "I will get you!" her vision turn black.


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