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Before at Seonghwa's house.

  Seonghwa had already entered the house and Hongjoong followed him until that he saw a man in the living room.

  "Sorry sir but are you Seonghwa's father?"  the old man put his tea cup on the table.

  "Who are you to my son?"  hongjoong took a deep breath.

  "I am your son soulmate and we already marked each other" the older alpha stood up and glared at him but Hongjoong was not afraid.

  "You forced my son to mark you?"  hongjoong shook his head.

  "Mr. Park I did not rape your son what we have done is because we wanted and Seonghwa not regret it too so I came here to ask your permission to marry your only child and make him my omega"

  The older alpha hear it and come closer.  Hongjoong thought that the older alpha wanted to attack him, but the older alpha hugged him and patted him behind.

  "I gave you my son and my grandson under your protection. Spoil them with love. I trust you son".

  hongjoong came back to life and smiled then they came out as hongjoong porpose seonghwa to marry him.


  ♡ wedding day ♡

  The wedding day would come only a week after Hongjoong replaced him.

  Now Seonghwa was standing in front of the big wooden door.

  In a white royal suit with some of the jewelery he was wearing.  Seonghwa prepared himself.

  "Are you ready son?"  Seonghwa's mother held his arm.

  Seonghwa nodded but then her mother started crying.

  "what's wrong mom? It's me who got married or you? Don't cry mom even after I get married I won't leave your side I'm still your spoiled little brat"

  his mother laughed and gently stroked seonghwa nape.  seonghwa ready holding a white flower bouquet.

  "this is the time son, the time of your life will change. I am very proud of you" walked seonghwa when the door opened in front of his eyes,

  He saw everyone from his cousin's family, her parents' friends smiling happily for them and the Yungi couple almost crying happily.

  Seonghwa walked as his two babies omega trow flower petals on the path while skipping happily.

  When he was in the aisle, he smiled at Hongjoong who look so handsome in his suit.

  Priest smiled at the couple.

  "at this time, we all gathered in this hall to celebrate the two new soul mates"

  "with this event iy not only united two people but united two hearts until the end of their lives"

  "Is there a soul who does not agree with this marriage?"

  No one answered.

  "and please ... your wedding vows"

  Hongjoong took both of his hands, smiled and looked into his eyes showing his sincerity.

  "With these hands,
I will lift your sorrows ...
  Your cup will never be empty, because I will be your wine ...
  With this candle,
I will light your way to darkness ...
  With this ring,
I asked you to be mine.  "

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