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“Everyone ready?'' Everyone in that room nodded ready with their protecting suit and weapon. “We going there , in mission to free up the unlucky people from the hell they living on, so don’t be afraid if you died today just know, you did it for the country, for your family and for them”

Everyone nodded to his words, Mingi pulled up his mask before putting on his helmet. He turned backline up with the leader and head of the crew. “ might or not true, i will bring the freedom to them”

Mr. Kang just closed the door and went to work, Aaron hurried into his father's room and looked for anything that could help him get back to Yubin. He opened the drawer, there was nothing beside a useless bunch of paper. He shut it back and look under the bed.

He reaches out and manages to pull out a box. He sits up and digs into the box, taking out a file. Open and read every detail.

“Self detail, studied by He Kwang Kang”

He open the next page and shook over the picture of him on it. “Kim-Park Yeosang, kidnaped and passed away on 26 November … is this Yeosang is me?” he slide to another page and it also having his picture at the top right corner. He floods the first page and looks at the first and the second picture, the difference is the hair only.

One was blonde and the second was short brown, the hair he had right now. How can he have the same face, same birth date, the same name and fingerprint when this person is dead.

He is the person he saw on his dream with lots of people in black. He looked again further and he read about kind medicine under the title secret recipe for memory erase, permanent and temporary.

The creak of the door can be heard as he looks up to the door looking at his father, “a-appa!” “Aaron what are you doing?” mr. Kang steps closer to him, looking at him with eyes full of anger.

*BHANG!* they startled at the sudden bangging, Mr. Kang look at Aaron, “we will finish it later, don’t try to run, you won’t make it”

Mr. Kang walked out to the living room and froze when the person he had run away and hid from now stood in his living room. “ Taemin!” “hei, Mae-hyung! Miss me?” the man in front smiled.

“How did you!” “how will I find you after this year? Well I have my way just to make sure I find you back and get revenge for what you have done to my sister!” Taemin stomps his feet angrily.

“Taemin! We can discuss!” Mr. Kang said but only to get a creepy laugh, “discussed? Why don’t you say it infront your wife's corpse!'' Taemin raises his hand and gives a sign to his minion.

A two guy near him and hit him with a bad so hard until he faint. Taemin look down to his sister’s husband. “How pity, she deserve better than shit like you” he whisper then kick Mr. Kang in the face. Look back to his minion. 

“Search if there is anyone in this house, take anything you all want just hurry” he said and step out from the dirty small house, definitely not his way of life.


His two minion got back and return into the van drag in a boy with them, “who is this?” he ask. “We found him in a room, maybe his son?” he smiled looking back to front as one man get to the driver seat and start the engine to the van and drive. “Good another goat to sell”


Aaron blink his eyes out, notice both his hands are tied together behind the chair, looking around, start to call Yubin name when he sees her being hanging upside down.

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