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"Come on, let's take this inside!" Seonghwa let Yeosang carry a few bags and jumped into the house, as he carried the rest, which was the heavy one.

"Hei baby, why would you go out at this time, you should rest" Seonghwa hug Hongjoong and leave a kiss for the alpha. "Well i'm just go get some stuff for the night, ya' know"

Hongjoong nod and hug Seonghwa waist make their body close to each other. "I know baby but why did you need to dress up like you are going to steal someone's husband, I mean like why must chocker?"

"I wear what i want Mr. Alpha~"

As planned Seongjoong will put WooSanSang at Yungi house because they need to go on a 'business trip' for a few days, and the kids can be left alone at home.


Yeosang was planning to ask Wooyoung if the others wanted to play board games with him, so he brought the board game he got to the back yard where Wooyoung sat.

As found where Wooyoung is, Yeosang excitedly runs to the twin. "Woo! Wanna play-''''I want to play with San" Wooyoung suddenly learns what he is doing and runs inside.

"Oh! Okay, bye~" he whispered and looked at the board game he held as he put it on the ground.

He takes out another box of cards from his pocket as he finds a comfortable place to sit. He takes out a bunch of tarot cards from the purple box that also has aurora painting on it.

"What I'm going to have in the future?" He randomly took out a card and put it in front of him.

The cards have a picture of a woman with a silver dress holding a scepter in one hand sitting on a throne. Yeosang tilted his head.

"New bond?"

Yeosang shook his head and put the card back and shuffled the cards again. "What will I choose when the bonding happens?"

"The empress again? Is this thing broken?"

Yeosang shuffled the cards again. "What will I face in the future?" he took out the one card. This time he got one with a picture of five cups.


Yeosang look at the card and look inside the house, there is Wooyoung playing with San.

He put the card back and shuffled it again. 'What will Wooyoung think about me?' he asked inside his heart before taking out one card, his hand shaking after he saw the picture in the card. He cleaned everything and hurriedly walked inside the house.

"Why would i play this thing, i don't even know what does it real mean"

As he knew the meaning on the card he got was not good for him. The hanged man represents a traitor.


"You are resting so long yeo~" Mingi shut the door behind him as he sat in front of Yeosang who sat on his chair looking out the window.

"What are you looking" mingi scoot closer and saw what Yeosang seeing, just Wooyoung and San playing with each other.

"You know, San really like Wooyoung so much"

Mingi smiled. "We can end the practise here if you want" "no~" Yeosang gets back to his seat and takes back his violin from the table as he starts practising again.

"Bueno, la vida es una mierda" mingi said under his breath. "No cruising front me"

(well, life is sucks)


Yungi sends them to school during the last days they stay in their house.

"You hear that one nerd junior got played by jinwoo!"

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