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Aaron wakes up, holding his head. He couldn't feel his legs so he let it slide and laid back on his bed trying to think back on what had happened.

His head spinning, he just remember he taking pills and passed out to the floor. In his plain dream, he hears lots of yelling and screaming, but he can't recognize whose voice it is. Everything is just so blurry and unclear.

He looked around and saw water back at the headboard as it attacked the needle into his back plan. Go back to zoning out

Not noticing how long he had stayed in that state, he looked to the window. Dark, probably night time. He wakes up from the bed,taking the needle from himself. try to stand up though his legs feel like jelly.

He put his hand to the wall as a supporter, walking out from the room. "Appa?" he called out, taking ways to the kitchen and found Mr. Kang on the table doing his herbal medicine.

"Appa?" he called again. Mr. Kang turned around and smiled, taking off his gloves and mask. Wake up from his chair and bring the boy into a hug.

"Thank you for waking up, you make me worry so much," Mr. Kang said cares his back hair. "Where is noona?" "She's not here but it's fine, are you hungry?"

Aaron shakes his head, wanting the answer, pushes away from the hug looking at his father intensely. "Appa, where is noona Yubin?"

"Aaron don't be stubborn now, if you want to eat Appa will get you some food" Mr. Kang said get up and take out some food from the little fridge they have. "Appa what you did you do to noona?"

"You don't need to know" "tell me!" "I GIVE THEM!" Mr. Kang slammed his hand to the counter, realizing he had said too much. "Give them? To who? Appa! What are you have done?!"

"Aaron, listen, we're safe here without her, okay? Now get into your room-" "No! I will go!" Aaron steps out from the kitchen, walking away. "Where? Where do you want to go?"

"Search for noona, because you wont i will '' Aaron takes his raincoat and about to walk to the door. "No you won't" Mr. Kang lifted him up, hugging from behind and wrapping his arm to his waist, lifting the boy away from the door, while the boy writhed to be released.

"Let go! You bad!" he kicked his feet and hit his father's arm, forcing him to let him go, but only struggling Mr. Kang to bring him, they got to the kitchen as Mr. Kang threw the boy on the chair, taking his syringe from the drawer.

Take the small liquor bottle with the label's 'Sedatives' and suck it into the syringe with the needle. Aaron sees that run to his room, locking the door from the inside. Looking around and saw the window.

He got to the window and bangging at it, trying to crack the hard glass. Then the door opened, Aaron hurried banging the window harder. But a needle was poked in his neck. His hand went limp as he fell to his back.

The syringe being pulled out from his neck as mr. Kang carried him to the bed, poked the needle from the water bag to the back of his palm. Mr. Kang put a tape on it so it won't pull out from his hand.

Got out for a while to take something from the top shelf where he hid all his drugs there. He didn't lie when he said he is a doctor, but of course not the good one. And now all his plans to keep his son by himself are now being messed up by his own children.

He took another small bottle of liquor inside and read the label, 'benzodiazepines - the memory eraser' got it. He got back to the room, suck it up into the syringe and poked it to the wires and push it all out into it.

After it all finishes he walks out from the room, leaving the drugs to work over the boy.


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